
The entire island is in a state of panic as the evacuation continues and the impending arrival of Noah draws ever closer. People are confused by what Fukaboshi says about Hody. Outside the island, Hody is laughing hysterically as he chases after Luffy and Shirahoshi, his muscles still flexing. Shirahoshi comments that he looks even scarier than before. Hody then has a flashback.

In the Fish-Man District, a fish-man preaches on the street about how humans are an inferior species that goes on rampages and threatens the fish-men. A very young Hody Jones listens and seems to take it to heart. The scene changes to the fish man talking about how someone blew up the slave trade on the surface. In front of the large painting of the fish man in question is a memorial wreath. People stand around him and say that he died, but he took eight people with him and caused a massive disaster on the surface. Hody comments that it serves the people right, and Ikaros Much praises the man, saying he wants to be a hero too, and the future New Fish-Man Pirate officers all listen and take it to heart. The scene changes to another time in the Fish-Man District, where someone says that Arlong sank a human pirate ship and returned. Arlong talks to Hody and the others about how the heavens chose the fish men to get rid of the scum that is humanity. The people were afraid of this, so they decided to chase the fish man. In the end, the humans won because of their superiority. Hody continues to listen to it and gets warped by it and has to remember the hatred, grudge and grudge against people and takes it as his pride in life.

Later, Hatchan tells Hody, Shyarly, and some other kids about the human friend he has on the surface, Silvers Rayleigh, and praises him. Hody turns and leaves, saying that Hatchan’s story makes him sick. A few years have passed and some time with the Tiger incident someone is talking about the recent death of Fisher Tiger. Zeo comments that even Tiger wasn’t the chosen one. Late at night, New Fish-Man Pirate officers in black leather masks are then seen leading a group of people holding torches. Approaching the fisherman’s house. The man was donating blood to a human and that would not be tolerated. They burned his house to the ground and strangled the man in front of his family.

The scene changes to Hody, now a member of the military, talking to the officers. He said that everyone from the royal family down had lost their minds and given in to the people. Ikaros asks if Hody heard about Jinbe joining the Shichibukai. Dosun says that Arlong and his crew are the only true pirates who are proud of the Fishmen. In the next scene, someone shouts that the main island is in a panic, saying that Otohime was murdered by a human (not knowing that Hody was the one who actually committed the murder and framed the human for the crime). Fish-Man of the Fish-Man District became angry with the royal family for not doing anything. Hody and the officers are then seen toasting beer and saying that the shameless have been judged and that it is the natural order that those who submit to the people should die. Hody then places the bag on the table, saying that heaven has given them power. The police officers are shocked by what they see. Hody asks Zeo if he can mass produce them and Zeo says he will try. They are next seen with the merry roger of the New Fish-Man Pirates, saying that they will dedicate their lives to killing people.

Flashback ends. Hody tells Luffy that he gave up his life for this revenge. In the air tank, the guards aim their crosshairs at Noah. Shoots a bubble. Fukaboshi is then seen realizing that he has failed. Throwing away the fish-men’s emotions, they banished them to the Fish-Man District, ignoring the resentment that was slowly building between them. They were too focused on progress. He then remembers how his mother used to say that people shouldn’t pass on their hatred to their children, but realizes that it has already happened. People must first fight within themselves. He then tearfully declares that Otohime was killed by Fish-Man Island’s grudge. Regret for the dead should stay with the dead, and regret for how deeply he held a grudge against humans for killing his mother. A grudge is something people do to feed off of others, and the grudge of the Fish-Man District was fueled by their hatred of humanity. Before anyone noticed, he was too big to contain and states that the island of Fish-Man will be killed by the island’s hatred. He then tells Luffy that they don’t need the past and asks him to reset everything to zero to cleanse the old spirits living in the shadows. He asks Luffy to return the island to zero. The guards in the airlock celebrate as the bubble has successfully surrounded Noah.

Hody tells Fukaboshi that he can say whatever he wants, but the hatred is eternal. Luffy tells Fukaboshi through the Den Den Mushi kid to let him take care of it and he can sit back and rest. He tells Fukaboshi, as well as everyone on the island over the intercom, that from the moment they entered the square, they decided not to let anyone touch the island and leave everything to them; and added that they are friends after all, which brings tears of happiness to Fukaboshi’s eyes. The residents suddenly stopped running. The Minister of Right looks up and wonders if Luffy is the type of person they suspected. Some of the residents, moved by Luffy’s words, decided to stay on the island until the battle was over. Luffy tells Shirahoshi to stay by his side and he won’t let her get hurt and prepares to end things with Hody once and for all and won’t let anything happen to the island.

With the other Straw Hats, Ikaros Much uses a spitting attack on Franky and calls it The Wings of Ikaros. Franky punches him, but it goes away when Ikaros reappears behind Franky, saying that it was his squid ink clone. Franky uses Franky Fireball and Ikaros narrowly dodges. Chopper and Dosun match each other with Heavy Gong and T-Shot, causing Zoro and Chopper to joke about how he looks like a monster. Just then, Hyouzou comes to Zoro and says that he will chop up anyone who laughs. Catching the attack, Zoro cuts several of his swords’ blades perfectly at the hilts, claiming the strongest swordsman on Fish-Man Island. He then states that the octopus merman couldn’t even kill Zoro’s boredom.

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