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Marine G-5 discussed whether Caesar Clown was possibly behind the unusual events on the island and that the child abduction cases in the area might be real. Caesar was dealing with a patient that he said needed to be cured, but sent the patient to the gas chambers.

Brownbeard was tied up and told Luffy and his crew about the worst generation of rookies and Blackbeard and that Caesar and Law saved him and his men from death by poison gas and how Caesar and Law gave them the ability to walk again.

Smoker told his men that Caesar and not Vegapunk was behind the failed experiment. Caesar killed his patient with poison gas and planned to be the best scientist the world had ever known and surpass Vegapunk himself.

Tashigi tells Smoker that if her memory is correct, she remembers that there have been numerous cases of child abductions recently. However, Smoker is surprised because he didn’t know about such things. Tashigi explains that when such cases are reported, they are published as “accidents at sea” or “the work of pirates”. He pauses, not finishing his sentence. The smoker asks if she has trouble saying it and asks her to say what she thinks. A smoker speaks up and concludes that someone from the G-5 unit helped cover up the kidnapping cases. When the Marines fully understood the meaning of these words, they loudly protested and declared their loyalty to the Marines. Smoker yells at them and comments that they are not even worth suspecting. He advises them to lower their expectations of the Marine Corps because no organization is perfect. Smoker orders one-third of the marines to leave the island by stealing a ship to report the incident, while he stays behind to retrieve his heart and body, which was exchanged by Trafalgar Law.

Caesar Clown hangs up and says he’s been given permission to kill because Joker will look like it’s just another accident at sea. Caesar gives the order to capture the intruders and wants them to be his guinea pigs. Monet informs Caesar about the straw pirates’ rewards and her analysis. A wounded centaur arrives and reports that he has been robbed by pirates and Brownbeard has been captured. Caesar assures him that he will definitely help everyone and asks him to go and treat himself with his new medicine.

Brownbeard declares to the Straw Pirates that Law will definitely save him. He informs them that due to an incident that happened on the Sabaody Archipelago two years ago, there are eleven rookies present and Blackbeard is now known to the others as “the worst generation”. He begins to tell them about the history of the island when it was home to Dr. Vegapunk’s lab. The island was once teeming with life before a chemical weapons test went horribly wrong, causing a massive explosion that destroyed two of the three laboratories. Heat and life-killing toxic substances also entered the atmosphere. The prisoners who served as test subjects were abandoned by the world government and paralyzed by the gas. However, they were miraculously rescued by Caesar when he arrived on the island. The air was cleared and the prisoners were able to move again using means provided by Caesar. Brownbeard was also rescued when he arrived on the island afterwards. Their situation improved when Law appeared. He used his ability to attach the legs of living animals to them and allowed them to walk again. The Straw Hats are moved and now understand the presence of the centaurs, the bird woman, and the sheep on the island.

Smoker also tells his subordinates about the explosion that occurred on the island. However, he states that the person responsible for creating the weapon and causing the explosion was actually Caesar Clown. He reveals that Caesar was second in command and was arrested. However, Caesar escaped from the prison ship with his powers and disappeared. Smoker states that he must stop Caesar if he is still doing research because it must be something devastating.

A centaur that Caesar promised to heal is having trouble breathing while Caesar grins maliciously and interrogates him relentlessly, treating him as a test subject for his “new medicine”. He kills him afterwards after receiving an unsatisfactory answer. When Monet questions Caesar about his failure, he is enraged and declares that his experiments never fail. He refuses to accept that the explosion was the result of a failed experiment, as it “killed” the entire island. He claims to be able to kill most enemies and lets the world government know that he is the greatest scientist in the world.

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