
In a flashback, Law tells Luffy not to underestimate the four emperors, as they once even rivaled Whitebeard for territory. Law tells him that with his plan, they have about a 30 percent chance of defeating Kaidou. Back in the present, the Straw Hats and the G-5 Marines part ways. The Marines claim they hate pirates and the children are seen crying, unable to say goodbye to the Straw Hats, but the Marines reveal that they are denigrating the crew because if they don’t, they will grow to love them.

Flying over the ocean, Doflamingo approaches a lifeboat with Baby 5 and Buffalo’s heads hanging from it, apparently cut off by the law. They tell him that they failed to get Caesar, to which Doflamingo replies that it’s okay because they were only following orders. Law’s Den Den Mushi is seen on the raft as he starts talking to Doflamingo. Law tells him that he needs to resign from the Shichibukai to get Caesar back or he will be wiped out by Kaidou, which infuriates Doflamingo.

Luffy, the crew, and the kids are having fun while Law and Smoker talk. Law recalls the time when their alliance was formed and they agreed to target Kaidou of the Four Emperors first. When Luffy says that he plans to defeat all four emperors, Law tells him not to take them lightly and that the chances of their plan to defeat Kaida succeeding are slim.

After the feast, the Straw Hats are about to set sail and leave. As they unload the children, the G-5 Marines begin insulting them and erect a barricade so the children cannot see them. The children cry and are sad when they remember how the Straw Hats helped and want to say goodbye. The Marines continue to insult them, saying that the Pirates are evil and the Marines are justice. The children continue to cry until Tashigi admonishes her subordinates to stop insulting the pirates, but they say that if they stop, they will start liking them, and then they start crying too. Tashigi starts laughing. Law and the Straw Hats start heading to the Thousand Sunny and Zoro questions why Law is coming with them and Usopp tells him that Luffy got them into more trouble.

Doflamingo is seen flying, but notes that the “heavenly journey” is over. He sees a lifeboat from his tanker with Baby 5 and Buffalo’s severed heads and Den Den Mushi who looks like Law. Law tells him that they have Caesar and says that since he can’t produce SMILE anymore, his business partner Kaidou will get angry and Doflamingo will be killed. Doflamingo tries to negotiate with Law, but Law says there’s only one thing he can do: resign himself to being a Shichibukai. Law says if it’s not in the papers tomorrow morning, he won’t give it back to Caesar and then hangs up. Doflamingo seethes with rage and curses Law.
In the anime, Law only says that the chances of defeating Kaidou are very low, instead of saying it’s 30% like in the manga.
The following are added in the anime:
Robin asks Franky about the Mini Merry.
Punk Hazard’s departure is being extended.
Doflamingo’s seething rage scene is extended and he doesn’t attempt to call Law after he hangs up on him.
Smoker’s conversation with Law is revived from the previous episode, as well as part of a flashback to when he bonded with Luffy.

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