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Sabo and Koala get separated from Nico Robin’s group and go in different directions when Robin decides to go to the palace. While Trafalgar Law and Monkey D. Luffy argue about what to do next, Koala investigates an underground trading port and the Marines try to contain the Parasite-controlled humans.

Donquijote Doflamingo meets with his 3 top managers where he reveals that the marines will not hinder their activities for now. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, and Law land near some marines and Donquixote henchmen, but are confronted by Issh.

Nico Robin moves towards the palace with Usopp and Rebecca while Sabo and Koala split up to complete different tasks.

At Luffy’s place, Law asks him if he knows what he’s going to do, pointing out how their goal was to destroy the SMILE factory to cause a conflict between Donquixote Doflamingo and Kaida. Law states that Kaidou will turn his anger over the loss of SMILE on them if they kill Doflamingo now. Luffy says it’s not a problem now before demanding to know what will happen to Dressrosa if she stops now.

Meanwhile, the citizens of Dressrosa are hunting people for whom Doflamingo has put out bounties. As the marines escort several captured citizens away from the rest of the soldiers, Bastille asks Issho if they should try to capture Doflamingo, only for Issho to order him to tell all troops to hold off as many rampaging humans as possible and focus on Straw. Hat Pirates-Law alliance.

Back on the platform, Luffy grabs Law and Zoro by both arms and declares that they will go, only for Law to remind him that he is still in the seastone handcuffs. Viola declares that she will get the key and reveals that she saw it when they were falling. It must be somewhere on this platform, he says, before stopping mid-sentence in surprise when he sees Luffy running towards the edge of the platform.

At the underground port, Koala boards one of the ships. He finds a chest full of firearms and rips off the skull and crossbones sticker to reveal the seal of the Kingdom of Doeren. Koala takes a picture and when he hears voices he hides as several men walk by discussing what they will do if the marines find out about their business with Doflamingo. One of the men says they need to destroy the evidence along with the ship. Koala quickly defeats all men with ease.

In the city above, the citizens and marines continue to attack each other against their will as Maynard asks Issho why they don’t arrest Doflamingo despite his inability to maintain his Shichibukai status. Issho notes that the Marines do the same thing over and over again and claims that Maynard has been a member for a long time before asking him if he’s been listening to these cries of anger all this time. Issho demands to know if the World Government believes he is God, which shocks Maynard, who backs down when Issho asks him to respect his decision.

Meanwhile at the palace, Diamante notes that the Straw Hat Pirates and Law are targeting the SMILE factory, prompting Trebol to ask Doflamingo if they should protect the factory right now. Doflamingo points out that they can’t open the door because it’s made of sea stone. He then reveals that he has the keys to the factory before cutting the keys to pieces, shocking Baby 5 and Trebola. Trebol and Diamante apologize for failing in their duties and Doflamingo forgives them. Doflamingo then reveals that he already spoke to Issho and that the marines will not pursue them, before stating that Issho will die once they use him.

In the city, the Marines are ordered to contain those still out of control as several of them learn of their orders to pursue the Straw Hat Pirates and the law. As Machvise watches the marines walk past him alongside Senor Pink and Dellinger, he remarks that the marines are not hostile to them. Senor Pink expresses disbelief at Franky still having the energy to run away and wonders where he went. Elsewhere, Franky runs through town with his shirt pulled over his head, noting that what he sees in the distance must be a SMILE factory.

Luffy and fall through the air and are noticed by Senor Pink’s group. Luffy and Zoro start running away from the gathered soldiers. Dellinger catches up to Luffy and disappears from view before kicking him, who manages to jump in time. However, Senor Pink catches Luffy by surprise by swimming in the ground below him and grabbing his legs. Machvise appears in the air above them and uses 10-Ton Vise. Luffy manages to stretch far enough for Machvise to miss his body, even though his legs are clenched.

Dellinger tries to hit them again, only for Zoro to kick him in the back, causing Dellinger to stumble forward and accidentally kick Machvis instead, causing him to get up from Luffy’s feet. As Zoro tells them to go, they are confronted by several warriors intent on taking their heads for Doflamingo’s rewards. When they start shooting, Zoro charges forward and effortlessly defeats those in his way, while Luffy defeats the others with Gomu Gomu no Gatling. However, they are interrupted by Issho, who claims that the one who shoots often won’t hit the mark because there are several marines following him.

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