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Diamante easily overpowers Rebecca. However, before he can kill her, Kyros stops him and the two fight. Luffy and Law make it to the Flower Field while being chased by the Nutcracker, and Rebecca gives Luffy the key to Law’s bonds, allowing Law to destroy the Nutcracker. After meeting Rebecca, Luffy and Law head to the palace. Diamante tries to stop them, but the two manage to escape to the palace. However, Sugar heads towards them, eager to turn the two into toys and get revenge.

Luffy and Law run up Bartolome’s staircase and Luffy intends to defeat Kyros to get to Doflamingo. However, Law tells him to focus on the nutcracker that is chasing them.

In the Flower Field, Diamante brutally attacks Rebecca and the force of his attacks knocks her to the ground. One of his punches entangles her a great distance, causing the key to Law’s bonds to fly away from her and Rebecca to remember how the key was entrusted to her. Diamante taunts Rebecca, mocking her performance in the Corrida Colosseum finals, saying that she would be no match for Doflamingo, but that he would be happy to fight her if she intended to avenge Scarlett. To his surprise, Rebecca runs away, taking the key with her. Despite Diamante’s taunt, Rebecca knew she was no match for Donquixote and all she could do now was give Luffy the key. However, Diamante uses his devil fruit powers to extend his sword and slash Rebecca in the back, sending her to the ground.

Diamante then stands over Rebecca, eager to finish off the gladiator. However, he decides to draw his gun so he can kill Rebecca the same way he killed Scarlett. As Diamante pulls the trigger, a screaming and desperate Rebecca calls out the Thunder Soldier’s name. Just then, however, Kyros reaches the Flower Field and lunges at Diamante, slashing the lead Donquijote across the midsection. As Diamante falls, Rebecca looks at Kyros and remembers how he raised her as a toy even though she didn’t know his identity and taught her to fight even when she didn’t want to. Kyros then apologized to Rebecca for forcing her to fight because she was a peaceful person like her mother. Kyros assures his daughter that now she will never have to fight again as Diamante gets up. Kyros and Diamante attack each other, exchanging blows furiously.

As Rebecca watches the two fight, she suddenly hears Luffy calling her name and sees Luffy approaching the staircase while being chased by the Nutcracker. Luffy yells at Rebecca to throw him the key to Law’s handcuffs as he bounces off the nutcracker and flies through the air. When the nutcracker jumps on him, Luffy uses his devil fruit powers to take the key from Rebecca’s hand before he and Law are swallowed by the nutcracker. Shocked, Rebecca falls to her knees when suddenly Law activates the ROOM around the nutcracker and hacks it to pieces. Luffy and Law then descend down into the Flower Field, and Law expresses relief as the Seastone handcuffs are taken off him.

Diamante sees the two and rushes towards them in a fit of rage, but Kyros holds him back. Kyros tells Luffy and Law that he has his hands full with Diamante and asks them to go get Doflamingo for him. Luffy asks Rebecca if she is happy to see her father again, which she tearfully confirms. Luffy and Law then head towards the palace, but Rebecca calls out to Luffy again, asking him if he is really going to defeat Doflamingo. Luffy simply puts on his Straw Hat and tells Rebecca that he is not Lucy, revealing that he is Straw Hat Luffy and that he will become the Pirate King. This infuriates Diamante even more and he uses his devil fruit powers to swing his sword towards Luffy and Law. However, Law uses the Shambles to exchange himself and Luffy with the barrel, teleporting them to the palace.

Inside the palace, Law uses Mes to remove the bullets Doflamingo shot him with, bitterly realizing they are made of lead. Down the hall, a Don Quixote pirate reports to Sugar on Den Den Mushi that Luffy and Law are in the palace. Sugar merrily walks through the palace hall, noting her two targets. Meanwhile, on the King’s Platform, Usopp desperately tells Kanjuro to hurry up with the drawing as they are running out of time. Sugar approaches the unsuspecting Luffy and Law, who are eager to avenge their ten years of work by turning them into toys, effectively erasing their existence.

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