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Flevance’s history is revealed while Law’s history before joining the Donquixote Pirates is explored.

In the North Blue town of Spider Miles, 10-year-old Law sits alone in a garbage dump and is told it’s time to eat. Law sees Corazon walking and stomps on one of his butts and curses him before being interrupted by Senor Pink who tells him that Donquijote Doflamingo wants to ask him something. However, as Law claims he has something to say as well, Corazon picks him up and throws him in the trash again before leaving. Seeing this, Señor Pink remarks that Corazon has no mercy as Law vows to kill him.

At dinner, the Donquijote family sits around the table eating as Doflamingo reveals that their next target is Rakesh, who has allied himself with other groups. When Law walks in, Giolla is hostile towards him, only for Doflamingo to reveal that he called Law, shocking his crew members. Laughing, Trebol asks Law if he wants to leave after a week of Corazon beating him, as Diamante notes that they only have the best, as children and adults run away from them. He wonders how much longer Law can last, prompting Law to declare that he is not going anywhere. Lao G tells Law to never forget the Law of Blood no matter how much it hurts him because the Family will fall apart if a member defies the authority of the leaders. Buffalo reveals that he once nearly died of torture after laughing at Pic’s voice, as Law claims that it doesn’t scare him because he’s seen hell before.

Doflamingo laughingly declares that he will kill anyone who attacks Corazon because he is his biological brother. When a shocked Machvise shows a white patch of skin on Law’s chest, Giolla recognizes it as Amber Lead Syndrome, which causes excruciating pain to the infected. This makes Buffalo believe it is contagious while he tells Law to leave. However, Doflamingo angrily tells Giolla not to spread rumors as fact before explaining how Amber Lead Syndrome is caused by poisoning and is not contagious. While Buffalo is still nervous around Law, Doflamingo asks Law if there are any other survivors from Flevance, only for Law to admit that he doesn’t know as he was desperate to get out. When asked how he escaped, Law reveals that he hid under a mountain of corpses. Doflamingo asks Law what he has a grudge for, prompting Law to declare that he wants to destroy everything and is not afraid of death, before telling Corazon that he will get revenge on him at any cost. Child 5 chastises Law for saying this despite the punishment he will receive, but Law just stares at her, leading to her clinging to Buffalo and crying.

The next day in Rakesh, Gladius blows the door to the pirate hideout before entering with Giolla, Lao G, Baby 5, Senor Pink, and Machvise. The two groups engage in a firefight as the Donquixote Pirates use their various devil fruit powers to overwhelm their enemies. When all the enemy pirates are defeated, the Donquijote Pirates begin collecting gifts as Baby 5 asks Gladius what city the Law is from. Gladius reveals that his name is Flevance and that he was completely white. The citizens eventually discovered a type of lead underground called Amber Lead and used this lead to create many different types of goods that people everywhere wanted to buy. This made it their main business and the World Government was quick to take advantage by helping Flevance deliver their goods.

In the past, Law studied with his father, but his sister Lami interrupted him and asked him to come with her to the festival. When Law refused, his mother told him that studying too much was not good for him, but he was surprised when Lami asked her to come too. Law’s father said the three of them should go, and after his mother agreed to only go for thirty minutes, Law agreed to go.

In the present, Lao G notes that everyone wanted to go to Flevance. When Baby 5 says she wants to go there too, Lao G reveals that it’s long gone, which shocks her. The Donquixote pirates leave their hideout while being shot at while Lao G and Gladius explain that the World Government did a geological survey 100 years ago. Amber lead was found to be poisonous and would corrode the body when dug up and handled. However, the World Government and Flevance royalty kept it a secret due to the wealth the Amber Lead brought them, so the citizens continued to dig it up. As Gladius fires at the pirates who attack them, he explains that the traces and effects of the amber lead would accumulate in each generation, which in turn shortened their lifespans by another 20 years or so, meaning a generation doomed to die before they were finally born maturity. . Senor Pink joins the rest of the crew for a walk when Gladius remarks that the world discovered the poisonous effects of Amber Lead too late.

In the past, Lami and Law’s mother were rushing to the parade that was taking place when Lami told Law to hurry up. However, as Lami ran she suddenly stopped and clutched her chest as Law noticed a white patch of skin on her arm. Around this time, all the humans eventually began to collapse at the same time due to the accumulation of amber lead in their bodies. They began to die with excruciating pain flooding their bodies that no doctor could stop. Law’s father saw Lami’s white piece of skin and began to cry as Law and his mother watched.

Back in the present, Baby 5 asks Gladius if everyone in Flevanca died, but Senor Pink claims that the real tragedy didn’t begin until after that event. He explains that the citizens of the surrounding countries quarantined Flevance because they thought the Amber Lead Disease was contagious. The royal family fled the country early with the help of the world government, leaving the common citizens behind and anyone who tried to escape in search of a cure was shot like monsters escaping from a cage. Senor Pink notes that the way the disease was treated as someone else’s problem was very human before stating that Flevance won’t stay calm and has a lot of lead bullets that eventually lead to the outbreak of war. The Donquixote pirates continue to shell their enemies while Senor Pink explains how the countries neighboring Flevance showed no mercy to their attackers, justifying their attack as self-defense.

In the past, Flevance and its citizens were attacked as soldiers shot everyone they found. The nun informed Law that some of the soldiers had promised to let only the children escape, only for Law to state that he could not leave because his sister was dying. The nun noticed this and promised to return on the next ship for Law, while the other children told Law to come with them. Law began to shake, but the nun told him that there was always hope and that one day a loving hand would reach out to him and Law would smile. Later, Law’s father tried to plead

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