
Donquijote Doflamingo has a nightmare about his traumatic past and it gets longer when he wakes up. The flashback details the moment his parents left Mary Geoise, when they were chased, and the deaths of Doflamingo and Rosinante’s mother. Law is inducted into the crew and trained by them. Law reveals his full name to Buffalo and Baby 5, only to be taken away by Corazon (who could actually speak), who warns him to stay away from his brother.

In Spider Miles, when Donquijote Doflamingo is sleeping, he begins to dream about his past. Doflamingo, hearing the voices of people talking about how they should kill the Donquijote family because they are former world nobles that the marines won’t save, begins to sweat and grind his teeth in anger.

In the past, Doflamingo, Rosinante, and Homing were hung from the windows of their burning house by ropes around their arms and blindfolded by a mob of commoners who wanted revenge for the suffering the Sky Dragons had caused them. The commoners debated how they should kill the Donquixotes, from shooting them with a thousand arrows to breaking all their bones with a hammer, but one of them told the others to leave them alive so they could suffer. Citizens recount the suffering caused by the world’s nobles, who harmed them, their kin, and their lands whenever they pleased. The man with the bow and arrow stepped out and took aim at Doflamingo as he demanded to know if they were ever hungry before shooting an arrow at Doflamingo to see if it would hurt him. Even though the arrow barely missed him, Doflamingo cried out in horror as the man demanded to know if the Sky Dragons ever felt any pain before firing again.

Doflamingo wakes up in a cold sweat and begins to gasp as the Den Den Mushi rings in his room. After putting on his sunglasses and drinking alcohol, Doflamingo picks up the phone and is informed that Law has done something.

Seventeen years ago in Mary Geoise, several of the world’s nobles expressed their shock at Homing and his family giving up their status and becoming normal people. This prompted Homing to claim that he had been human since he was born, causing one of the world’s nobles to believe that Homing was implying that they were also human and become offended. However, Homing stated that he didn’t care what they thought because he thought the humans were amazing, which shocked the other world nobles even more. The Donquijote family was ordered to leave Mary Geoise immediately.

Soon after, a World Government ship took the Donquijote family to an unmanned island in North Blue. After being informed that a suitable house and property had been prepared for him and his family, Homing thanked the government official before handing over his and his family’s World Noble identification chips. After they arrived at their new home with their belongings, Homing told his family that they would lead a humble life here. Inside, Doflamingo asked his father where their slaves were as Rosinante rummaged through a treasure chest, only for Homing to reveal that they had to educate Doflamingo and Rosinante from scratch.

After Doflamingo changed into normal clothes, his mother claimed that he looked amazing, but Doflamingo ripped off his tie in anger, claiming that he didn’t want to wear clothes that would make him look like a slave. Homing stopped Doflamingo from tearing off his shirt and informed him that from now on they would live as humans much to Doflamingo’s confusion and that their lives would be richer than in Mary Geoise as they would have hearts instead of many material things.

Later, Homing and Doflamingo went to the marketplace where Homing tried to buy some food. Noticing that he didn’t look familiar, Homing revealed that he had recently moved from Mary Geoise, causing the vendor and those around him to gasp in shock. A man asked Homing if he was a world noble, but Homing explained how he had thrown the title aside and they wanted to befriend the townspeople. Soon after, Doflamingo berated people crossing the street for not kneeling before him and demanded that someone give him a weapon. That night, the commoners found the house of the Donquixote family and burned their house to the ground in their search. The Donquijote family watched in horror from the nearby forest as Doflamingo asked his father why the commoners didn’t kneel before them. When searchers rushed out of the burning building to report that the family was not inside, the enraged mob agreed to let them experience several centuries of suffering.

The Donquijote family was forced to flee through the forest in the rain as an angry mob chased them. As he ran, Doflamingo tripped and wondered why the commoners were following them. The family eventually found a dilapidated shack in a dump where they hid from the mob. Homing suggested they stay there for a while, but Doflamingo expressed his disapproval as he couldn’t stand the smell and the bugs. Eventually, dawn broke, and while the family slept, an enraged mob came to the dump and started yelling at each other, which woke them up. When Homing saw the commoners approaching with weapons, he told his family that they must flee immediately.

Eventually, the family found shelter in a small village, and Homing contacted the World Nobles, who begged them to accept his wife and children back to Mary Geoise, as he hadn’t expected it to be this bad. However, the World Nobles refused as the family could not take back their privileges and told Homing to never call them again as he was only human. Soon after, Doflamingo and Rosinante were caught stealing bread and severely beaten as punishment. Doflamingo told his father that he felt pain and hunger for the first time in his life. Doflamingo and Rosinante later ate from a pile of garbage before bringing their mother some food, only to find that she was sick. She eventually died, leaving Rosinante to cry over her body as Doflamingo blamed Homing for her death. Not long after, an angry mob found the family and brought Homing to beg them to take him and spare his sons, while Doflamingo cursed his father for bringing them to ruin.

Back in the present, Giolla and Machvise bring Law to Doflamingo when Giolla reveals that they found him trying to escape. As Buffalo and Baby 5 watch, Buffalo notices that they are going to torture Law for stabbing Corazon, Law notices that Corazon is present and wonders if he will die for nothing after bribing Buffalo with ice cream to keep quiet. However, Doflamingo reveals that he called Law here to welcome him among the Donquijote Pirates, shocking Law, Baby 5, and Buffalo. Doflamingo explains how Law has a certain quality in his eyes after experiencing such a terrible past, while Law wonders why Corazon hasn’t told Doflamingo yet what happened. When Law points out that he will die within three years

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