
Monkey D. Luffy and Bellamy continue their confrontation. Meanwhile, Lao G defeats Chinjao, but Sai, now officially the head of the Happo Navy, defeats Lao G with a technique he inherited from his grandfather.

As Bellamy continues to bounce around the room with the Spring Hopper, Monkey D. Luffy pleads with him to stop before he dies due to too much stress on his body, but Bellamy scolds him for worrying about his enemy before rushing towards him.

On the plateau, several huge stone spikes emerge from the cliff as Pica uses the Charleston. As he runs, Zoro cuts through several of them and leaps into the air to face Pico’s stone face, while dozens of Donquixote Pirates’ henchmen are thrown into the air by the technique. When Zoro realizes that he doesn’t care if he hits allies or enemies, Pica laughs at him, prompting Zoro to tell him to give it.

Elsewhere, Sai and Baby 5 jump down to the lower part of the battlefield as Baby 5, who Sai told to follow him, realizes she is needed. When Sai tells her that he won’t let her go until this is resolved, to his shock, Baby 5 interprets his words as a marriage proposal. Nearby, Chinjao attacks Lao G, who effortlessly dodges his attacks before launching a flurry of punches. Chinjao also blocked each strike and hardened his fist with Busoshoku Haki before striking Lao G, who blocked and remained in place in the air despite the force of the strike destroying the stone wall behind him. Lao G sends Chinjao flying with a kick before landing on one leg, seemingly injuring his back, to the surprise of the onlookers; However, Lao G adjusts his body to match the Yotsu no Kamae stance, which subordinates nearby identify. As Chinjao gets up and curses him, Lao G lunges at him before using Me no Tsukare, culminating in him unleashing a flurry of punches aimed at Chinjao’s face, knocking him back. After using a Kata Kori to injure Chinjao’s shoulder, Lao G hits Chinjao in the stomach with a Hie Sho and kicks his lower back with a Gikkuri Goshi before hitting all of his knuckles with a Fushi Bushi no Itami, causing Chinjao to collapse as Lao G lands behind him.

As the watching pirates note that he is overpowering a pirate worth over 500,000,000 Beli, Lao G states that this fighting style, Jio-Ken, is a result of his aging and better understanding of pain. However, when one of the pirates points out that Lao G is standing the wrong way because his opponent is standing behind him, Chinjao stands up and glares at Lao G before declaring that he will not support the marriage between Sai and Baby 5, shocking the onlookers. Pirates. When Sai angrily claims that he said he wouldn’t marry Baby 5, who is shocked, Chinjao reminds Sai that he is scheduled to marry the daughter of Navy Leader Niho, prompting Sai to state that he doesn’t care who he is married to and that Chinjao he can do whatever he wants. The watching pirates realize that Lao G is being ignored and believe that he will get angry, but Lao G indicates that he did not hear what Chinjao and Sai said, to their shock. However, the pirates see what appears to be steam coming from Lao G’s head and believe that he is going mad, only to realize that it is his ghost and that he is dying.

Lao G’s spirit begins to ascend to heaven as the pirates argue that a battle should not end in a natural death like this. Seeing this, Baby 5 begs Lao G to come back, prompting his spirit to return to his body so he can ask Baby 5 what she said. Lao G straightened up and taunted Chinjao by asking him if he had weakened, which apparently angered Chinjao, only for the latter to demand to know what Sai was doing. As Sai wonders what Chinjao means, Baby 5 adjusts his crooked collar, prompting a surprised Sai to ask if she’s his wife before jumping in and telling her to stay away. When Sai asks her why she brought up the marriage despite being his enemy, Baby 5 states that he needs her before saying that he will do anything. Hearing this, Sai mockingly tells her to kill herself for him, shocking Baby 5.

Sai explains that they need to take care of the high-ranking Quixote pirates to pay off their debt to Luffy, only to be surprised when Baby 5 actually turns her arm into a gun and puts it to her head, stating that she’s happy to kill herself to help him. When Baby 5 says that she loves helping people more than anything else, Sai demands to know what she’s doing, saying that she’ll feel bad if she wins by killing herself. Chinjao demands to know why he is trying to stop the enemy from ending their own lives, claiming that he should be more ruthless as the leader of the army, but Sai angrily tells him to back off as Chinjao is no longer his master. Baby 5 closes her eyes as Sai runs towards her, thinking how happy she is to be useful by killing herself.

In the past, a tribe in a desert region learns that one of their women has given birth to a child and orders the mother to abandon her on a mountain because she will simply eat their food without contributing anything to them. Soon after, the mother took the young child 5 to a remote area of ​​the jungle while her child asked her where they were going. When Baby 5 was knocked to the ground, she ran to her mother and tearfully begged her to wait, only for her mother to tell her not to watch because she was useless to everyone. As the mother left, Baby 5 knelt on the ground, wondering if she was of any use to the mother before crying out in sadness. Later, as a young woman, Baby 5 subscribed to 50 newspapers after being asked by several men because they needed her, and soon after accepted a marriage proposal from a homeless man because she believed he needed her.

Back in the present, Baby 5 comments that someone needs her now as Sai tells her to stop. However, an angry Chinjao claims that Sai is foolish as he leaps towards him and interrupts his progress towards Baby 5 before cutting through one of the stone spikes created by Pico’s Charleston, which lands on the ground as Chinjao stands on his spike. As Chinjao states that they don’t need nefarious men like Sai in the Happo Navy, Sai continues to run towards Baby 5 and tells Chinjao to stay out of his trouble, prompting Chinjao to dress his head in Busoshoku Haki, which the watching pirates realize. he prepares to use his technique of ice splitting the continents. Chinjao declared to smash them both with his drill head, jumping into the air before falling on Sai and Baby 5 while using Hasshoken Ogi: Kiryu Kirikugi, only for Sai to respond by hitting Chinjao in the head with the Bujaogen, summoning electricity. crack around the two of them. As the top of the stone spike nearby is cut off by the force of the impact, Chinjao’s drill-shaped head is bent 90 degrees in the middle.

Sai runs towards Baby 5, slapping her before scolding her for trying to do something so stupid, surprising Baby 5. As Chinjao lies on the ground a few feet away, the stone spike that the three are on top of breaks and will cause them to fall. to the ground below. Feeling a bruise on her face, Baby 5 asks Sai why he stopped her from trying to help him, prompting Sai to ask her if she lived in a world where no one told her how bad she was at understanding others. Meanwhile, Chinjao regains consciousness and feels his head bowed as Sai doesn’t believe he did it. Chinjao admits that he is surprised that Sai bowed his head, and Chinjao becomes teary-eyed, remarking that this means that Sai’s power has finally revealed itself. Chinjao gets to his feet and tells a surprised Sai that his intense training has come to fruition and that the Hasshoken technique has been successfully transmitted, before declaring that Sai’s kick will be named Hasshoken Ogi: Kiryu Kirikugi as well. When Sai notices that his left leg has been consumed by a blue flame, Chinjao tells him that his kick should now be able to break even the ice continent and that the Happo Navy is in command, before revealing that he will cancel Sai’s arranged marriage and let him do what he wants

Chinjao tearfully congratulates Sai before hugging him as Sai claims Chinjao is embarrassing him. Chinjao reveals that he has been suffering from chronic pain since his match with Luffy, which is why he has not been able to fight as well as he would like, and admits that he is getting old, before being interrupted by the much more muscular Lao G, who attacks him with G no Kokuin. Chinjao crashed into the far wall. As Sai calls out to Chinjao, who falls to the ground, Lao reveals that this is the ultimate Jio-Ken technique, Jioken Kyukyoku no Higi: Sento Ho-Ken, which allows the practitioner to draw upon the power of their youth and use it in combination with their seasoned fighting skills abilities. Lao G states that no one can defeat him now as Sai angrily states that he will not forgive him for attacking Chinjao.

As Lao G states that Sai needs another hundred years of fighting experience before he is strong enough to challenge him, Sai states that he will do so to avenge Chinjao and repay his debt to Luffy. When asked if he truly believes that Luffy can defeat Donquixote Doflamingo, Sai confirms this before rushing towards Chinjao who punches him. Sai jumped into the air as the blow created a crater in a piece of rubble further on and slashed at Lao G with his staff, only for Lao G to block it with one finger before declaring that everyone in Dressros was Doflamingo’s slave. Lao G grabs Sai’s pole by the handle before throwing Sai away, causing Sai to slow down by dragging the blade across the ground before lunging at Lao G again. Lao G dodges another slash and blocks Sai’s kick before declaring that Sai and the other rebels they will not be able to leave the Birdcage for the rest of their lives.

Sai dodges a flurry of blows before jumping as Lao G crashes into the area where he is standing. As Lao G punches the piece of rubble he’s standing on, Sai jumps at his head, prompting Lao G to acknowledge his speed before declaring that he won’t let him have Child 5 as Sai ducks his fist once more and jumps away. As Baby 5 admires him, Lao G declares that he will save her from Sai before rushing towards him again. As Baby 5 wonders what she should do as the two fight over her, Sai pushes her away to protect her from the fight before continuing to fight Lao G as Baby 5 watches contentedly. Noticing that Sai could gain the upper hand if he took Baby 5 as a shield, Lao G managed to punch Sai in the face, causing him to smash into a piece of rubble before crashing into a wall. Lao G points out how Baby 5 will even kill herself if asked to, saying that no one else is as comfortable as her.

As Baby 5 cries at the thought of it being convenient, Sai stands up as Lao G declares that he will finish him off with one last secret technique. Sai takes a fighting stance as Lao G screams, causing the ground around him to crack and create craters before declaring that he is Sento Ho-Ken: Manki Kaiyaku. As Lao G rushes towards him, Sai declares that he will marry Baby 5 if he wins, causing Baby 5 to fall in love with him, before kicking Lao G’s hands to cancel his technique. Sai jumped into the air and attacked Lao G with Hasshoken Ogi: Kiryu Kirikugi, the force of which tore a huge crack in the ground below and behind Lao G, who fell into it while apologizing to Doflamingo and cursing Sai. As Sai tells Lao G to call him Don, Baby 5 leans over and asks him to be patient with her.

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