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In the past, several people at the hospital screamed in surprise when Senor Pink walked the halls with a cap on his head, a pacifier in his mouth, and nothing but a diaper on his feet, carrying flowers. Upon arriving at Rus’ room, Señor Pink enters and greets her, and after a few seconds, Rus smiles at him. As Señor Pink happily places the flowers near his bed, the doctor and nurse who were watching from the door looked at each other in surprise. Later, Señor Pink opens his closet to look for clothes to wear, but sees the cap and decides to wear it again along with the pacifier. As Señor Pink walks through the streets, those around him laugh and sarcastically praise his clothes, while a man tells a woman near him that he lost his wife and child in an accident, prompting her to remark that his spirit must have been broken. .

Later, Diamante and Trebol laugh at Senor Pink’s outfit as Diamante wonders what he’s doing. While Trebol asks Señor Pink if he’s trying to be funny, Gladius asks him what happened to his suits as Lao G says it’s embarrassing. However, Senor Pink only says he’s going out, shocking Trebol. Soon after, Señor Pink passes by two boys who call him a pervert as others on the street say similar things. However, when it starts to rain, most of the pedestrians leave the street, leaving Señor Pink standing under the overhang of the shop with the couple and their child inside behind him. After the rain makes him think of Russian, Señor Pink rushes to his hospital room and apologizes for being late, only to have some of the flowers he’s carrying fall to the floor. When Senor Pink kneels down to pick them up, he sees a smiling Russia again and tells her that his clothes are worth more to him than any expensive suit.

Back in the present, Franky continues to pound Senor Pink, who remembers how he first met the Russian before sending him flying with one final punch. When his sunglasses break, Senor Pink notes that the rain that the Russian loved so much has stopped. However, upon seeing sunlight coming through the clouds, Señor Pink begins to cry as he remembers Russian again and lands on the ground below. As the dwarves and Senor Pink’s fangirls call out to the two of them, Franky limps up to Senor Pink and asks him why he’s crying before wiping the tears from his face and telling him to tell him about Russian over a drink one day. As Kyuin and the groupies rush to Senor Pink’s side, Franky approaches the SMILE factory alongside the dwarves, whom he orders to destroy the factory. The dwarves rush in as Franky tells Monkey D. Luffy that he will leave the rest to him before collapsing.

Meanwhile, as the marines in the city rush to help the wounded, Diamante uses his sword to create a huge rift in Flower Hill before telling Kyros that they’re going to have show time together. Diamante tells Kyros that he wants to see the pitiful image of father and daughter dying together and attacks him with the Hangetsu Glaive, creating another rift as Kyros, Rebecca and Nico Robin are sent back before claiming that Kyros forgot his place earlier. Diamante asks Kyros if he thought he was just a talented matador with the ability to stir things up before declaring that he is the current hero of the Corrida Colosseum. When Kyros states that he doesn’t care about the title and stabs him, Diamante simply transforms into a flag and wraps around Kyros before heading towards Rebecca and Robin, only for Kyros to jump into the air and attack him again.

After dodging Kyros’ attack, Diamante engages him before using the Army Bandera to make the flower field undulate and undulate beneath Kyros, who is tossed from place to place before engaging Diamante a few more times. As Kyros dodges his stab, Diamante flattens his sword and spins it, forcing Kyros to dodge once more. As Diamante praises him for his near miss, Kyros drops to his knee, prompting Diamante to remark that his exhaustion is to be expected considering he’s been running around protecting his daughter on the swaying field all day with only one leg before he demanded. that he would have already collapsed if he were a normal person. Elsewhere, Tank Lepanto asks Viola how Kyros is doing, prompting her to reveal that he is completely exhausted.

Kyros tells Diamante that he doesn’t need to worry about his missing leg and states that he wouldn’t have come to this battlefield if he intended to use it as an excuse, before stating that he is proud of his missing leg as he gave it to someone. to whom he owed much. However, Diamante merely notes that this means he doesn’t have to hesitate to hit Kyros’ weak point, stating that simply dealing the final blow to Kyros would be too boring while taking several oddly shaped flat objects out of his cloak. Asking Kyros if he wants to play a game, Diamante throws objects in front of him, causing them to regain their three-dimensional form as cannons, before declaring that this is the last show where cannons shoot anything into the air.

As Rebecca wonders if the objects in the air are confetti, Diamante reveals that they are actually objects he flattened with his power, and states that he will cancel his power before using Hira Release, causing the objects to turn into spiked iron balls . As Diamante says the orbs look like beautiful stardust, Kyros tells Robin to protect Rebecca as Diamante claims the orbs can kill an entire army. Robin comments that she’s glad they’re in a flower field before summoning dozens of hands with Mil Fleurs to chop up the sunflowers while Diamante pulls out an iron umbrella. Diamante told his opponents to fight as they wished and bid them farewell before using Death Enjambre, causing spiked orbs to rain down. However, Robin uses Hanagasa to create a sunflower tree and delivers himself and Rebecca, creating a shield of spiked orbs when he notices that it was close.

As Diamante comments that Robin is doing quite well, Kyros tells him to be careful, causing Diamante to turn around in surprise to see Kyros deflecting the iron balls with his sword, while declaring that no good army can be defeated with this technique. Kyros jumps towards Diamante, who wonders if he could even avoid getting wet in the rain before he pulls out a gun and shoots Kyros in the leg, causing him to fall to the ground. As a shocked Rebecca screams at him, Kyros screams in pain as spiked balls land on him, while a laughing Diamante chides Kyros for tripping now. Declaring that she will never forgive Diamante, Rebecca tries to run towards him, but Robin stops her, pointing out that there are still spiked balls falling.

Diamante reveals that it is the same gun that shot Scarlett, and tells Kyros that he should be happy that he died with the same gun that killed his wife, prompting Rebecca to reiterate that she will never forgive him. Hearing this, Diamante praised her for saying this before trying to get her to fight him. When Rebecca tells Robin to let her go because she needs to kill Diamante, the spiked ball pierces the flower tree, making Robin wonder how much longer it will last. However, Rebecca and Diamante are stunned to see a badly injured Kyros get up in a rain of spiked balls as Kyros declares that this is his fight. Kyros tells Rebecca to drop the sword and points out how she followed her mother’s wishes not to harm anyone for ten years while Rebecca begs him to get under the tree. As Rebecca recalls how she was berated for never shedding blood in the Corrida Colosseum, Kyros declares that her hands are still clean and that Scarlett’s spirit lives within them. A tearful Rebecca drops her sword and Kyros states that there is no need to bathe his hands in the blood of a devil like Diamante, jumping to Diamante and declaring that he will not allow Rebecca to hold the sword.

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