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Kyros jumps towards Diamante and slashes at him, which results in a shockwave that knocks Diamante back. While dodging and blocking Kyros’ attacks, Diamante expresses disbelief that he is able to move during the Death Enjambre. After moving away from Kyros, Diamante asks him if his body is an iron ball, only to note that Kyros must be in immense pain after seeing the spiked ball land in his arm, before demanding to know if Kyros is a ball of stupidity. However, Kyros states that feeling pain is a mark of being human and that the Donquixote pirates do not understand this before they encounter Diamante again. Recalling Scarlett’s death, Kyros continues to clash with Diamante before declaring that the Donquijote family does not understand the pain of losing someone they love or not being able to feel what they touch. Stating that what he was feeling right now didn’t hurt compared to the tragedies Dressrosa had suffered, Kyros leaps forward to face Diamante again.

After noting that Diamante called him an orb, Kyros declares that he will become Dressrosa’s orb of wrath and knocks Diamante down before slicing his iron umbrella in half. Shocked by this, Diamante expresses surprise at Kyros’ strength and compares his glory to that of 20 years ago, before he crossed swords with Kyros several times. Diamante tells Kyros not to underestimate his swordsmanship and uses the Hangetsu Glaive, only for Kyros to jump over the resulting crack in the ground before resuming his clash with Diamante. Elsewhere, noticing her flinching, Riku Doldo III asks Viola if something happened to Kyros and Rebecca, prompting Viola to reveal that Rebecca is fine, before remarking that the fight is intense enough that she feels Kyros’ anger and pain through your Clairvoyance.

At Flower Hill, Diamante continues to cross swords with Kyros, calling him a monster for not collapsing yet. Suddenly, Kyros drops to his knee, prompting Diamante to notice that he has finally reached his limit as the last iron ball hits the ground. As Diamante approaches Kyros, he raises his sword above his head and declares that he will end it for Kyros like he did with Scarlett. As an angry Kyros reminisces about his history with Scarlett, Viola curses Diamante for bringing it up again. While Riku remembers how he was informed of Scarlett’s death. Viola recalls Diamante bragging about killing her sister and Tank Lepanto stopping her from attacking Diamante out of revenge.

Diamante declares that he will not allow Kyros or Rebecca to escape, stating that they lost to the Donquijote family ten years ago and that the losers should accept their defeat. Upon hearing this, Kyros gets up and jumps towards Diamante, who says that his punch will tear the ground before clashing with Kyros a few more times. As Kyros jumps away from the blow, which creates a crack in the ground, Diamante states that he hopes Kyros can avoid his injured leg, prompting Kyros to state that before leaping forward to continue the clash with Diamante, who calls out his idiot. Leaping back, Kyros declares that his sword carries ten years of Dressrosa’s suffering and that he will take back the peace, before leaping to Diamante, who prepares to use the Hangetsu Glaive again. However, Kyros catches his blow before he uses Trueno Bastardo, which cuts Diamante’s sword in half and severely injures him.

Diamante is sent flying back and lands on Scarlett’s grave, causing her to cough up blood before falling to the side. When Nico Robin saw Kyros stand up in front of Scarlett’s grave, he motioned for a tearful Rebecca to go to him. As Rebecca runs to Kyros, Robin drops to her knees with her back hurt before smiling. Rebecca runs over to the seated Kyros and tells him that she needs immediate medical attention before seeing a grave marker that reminds her of Kyros in toy form swearing to protect her with his life. Seeing this, a tearful Viola informs the others that Kyros has defeated Diamante, prompting them to celebrate. When Viola reveals that Rebecca is also fine, a citizen expresses disbelief that Kyros took down a hero from the Corrida Colosseum, prompting another citizen to remind him that Kyros was the original undefeated champion.

Viola turns and states that the Donquixote family members have been defeated one by one by the Straw Hat Pirates’ allies, before revealing that four still remain: Bellamy, Pica, Trebol, and Donquixote Doflamingo. As the citizens present lament how they tried to kill the Straw Hats, Riku begins to walk away, prompting Usopp to ask him where he’s going. When Riku explains how he is going to the city because he believes there is still something he can do, Tank joins him as citizens to decide to go as well to tell the others that there is still hope. As Kanjuro notes that things are turning in their favor, Usopp wonders where Issho went, prompting Kanjuro to point out that he left a while ago.

Meanwhile, in the city below, Issho asks a marine what the situation is, prompting him to announce that they haven’t got everything under control yet. Hearing this, Issho tells him and the other marines present to gather all the citizens in one place where they can be defended. As the marines flee, Issho turns to look at the plateau as Roronoa Zoro and Samon slash through one of Pico’s stone arms before slicing through another stone arm with Hirameki followed by Toro. After cutting Pica’s stone face into pieces with Otoro, Zoro lands on the ground and assumes his Nigiri stance, only to be informed by a laughing Pica that their fight ends here as he has more to worry about as his stone face slides into a mountain behind her. As Zoro attempts to pursue him, several stone spikes appear to block his path as more appear on the side of the mountain.

At Flower Hill, Rebecca notices the field shaking before being thrown into the air next to Kyros with a stone spike as several more appear. As Robin watches, he sees Pico’s face forming on one of the spikes and recognizes him. As Kyros and Rebecca hit the ground, Pica berates Diamante for looking so pathetic after being defeated as Kyros moves in front of Rebecca, drawing his sword.

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