
Doflamingo shrinks the Birdcage, causing the residents of Dressrosa to flee in panic. Luffy fights Doflamingo, but Law switches places with him to attack Doflamingo with his Gamma Knife, forcing the Shichibukai to his knees. Law explains how he escaped death as he prepares to take down Doflamingo and avenge Corazon.

Dressrosa Island begins to shake as the Birdcage begins to close in on itself, and the citizens watch in shock as the ropes tear the buildings apart. He then runs towards the center and tries to overcome the cage. Marines stationed at all corners of the island report that the cage is moving inward. On the roof of the palace, Doflamingo reveals to an angry Luffy that the Birdcage is shrinking, which shocks the pirate when the Birdcage cuts the aqueduct and floods a large part of the city. Doflamingo says that everything will be cut up in about an hour when the marines head out to help the people at the edge of the earth.

One of them helps the wounded man up, the other orders the citizens to flee to the city center. Meanwhile, some pirates, citizens and a gorilla are tied up and beg to be untied so they can escape the cage. On the King’s Plateau, Viola, Usopp, Zoro, Hack, Kin’emon, and Kanjuro respond to a shrinking birdcage, and not far from the Corrida Colosseum, the recently released Gladiators are shocked to find that they are still being held captive after being freed from prison. Under the King’s Platform, Riku curses Doflamingo for destroying him as the citizen near him begins to lose hope. The fighters on the second and fourth levels of the palace platform react to the shrinking cage as Robin looks up at the palace, and on the Royal Platform, Usopp pleads with Luffy to defeat Doflamingo as Kin’emon realizes that everyone’s lives now depend on Luffy. .

On the roof of the palace, Doflamingo says that he won’t save anyone and that people who knew the secrets of the land should not be allowed to live. Meanwhile, as the citizens run towards the center of the city, Sabo runs in the opposite direction. Doflamingo mockingly tells Luffy that he and all his friends will die just like Bellamy and Law and Dressrosa will perish even though Doflamingo could only build another country. Luffy then rushes to Doflamingo saying that he could stop it if he defeated the Shichibukai and Doflamingo throws strings at him. Luffy avoids the ropes and hits Doflamingo with Haki-enhanced punches, but Doflamingo sends him to the ground with Fulbright. Luffy gets up, rushes to Doflamingo again and prepares to attack. Doflamingo is about to shoot him when Law suddenly switches places with Luffy and stabs a stunned Doflamingo with a gamma knife.

Law tells Doflamingo that this attack will destroy him from the inside as Doflamingo coughs up blood, which shocks Trebol. Trebol asks Law how he’s still alive and how he used the Ope Ope no Mi attack without creating a ROOM. Law reveals that he had already created a ROOM that encompassed the entire palace platform and was too big for them to see at the cost of his life. Law recalls being shot by Doflamingo, but the wound was not fatal. He then swapped with a fallen Donquixote pirate on the level below and switched back after Doflamingo finished shooting his body. When Luffy discovered his body, Law revealed that he was still alive and that he had a plan.

The Gamma Knife causes Doflamingo to fall to his knees, and a shocked Trebol tells him that a king should never be on his knees. However, an angry Doflamingo grabs Law’s face and is about to shoot him, though Law accepts as Doflamingo will still die. However, Luffy arrives and kicks Doflamingo in the face with Gear Second, sending the Shichibukai flying and landing face first in a pile of rubble. Law then recalls how he met Corazon and how Corazon fought to save his life. Luffy rushes towards Doflamingo, but Law stops him, saying that it is his job to finish off the Shichibukai. After struggling to reach Doflamingo, Law stands up and creates a ROOM, ready to deliver the finishing blow.

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