
The Marines swarm Kyros’s house and the Straw Hats, Law, Bartolomeo and Bellamy escape. However, Luffy leaves the group saying that he needs to do something. The marines occupy Dressrosa as a whole, but the gladiators of the Corrida Colosseum knock them out to make way for the Straw Hats.

After fighting the hordes of marines, Luffy reaches the royal palace and speaks to Rebecca through the window, asking her if she is okay with Kyros decision to leave his life. Rebecca admits she isn’t and Luffy drags her out of the palace, infuriating both the marines and the citizens of Dressrosa.

Marines swarm the streets as they prepare to arrest the straw pirates and the law. At the Marine camp, Bastille declares that they have taken the entire island, but warns his men to watch out anyway. Fujitora then heads out of the camp, leaving the rest of the planning to Bastille. At Kyros’ house, Kyros warns the pirates inside that the marines are coming for them. Usopp is horrified by the news, but everyone else in the house expected it and were ready to leave as soon as Luffy woke up. Kyros asks Leo via Den Den Mushi if he did everything he asked, and Leo confirms as he watches the marines run with the other dwarves. The citizens of Dressrosa are also watching the marines and the girl fears they are after Luffy, but is assured otherwise. Leo notices that the marines are also heading to the Royal Palace to go after the criminals there, but Bartolomeo reveals that they have been following the marines and assures them that everything will be fine. He tells the people inside the house to follow him outside where they would escape through the eastern port. Usopp states that the marines are also there, but Bartolomeo reveals that their gladiator allies the Corrida Colosseum are stationed throughout the city, ready to clear the way. The Straw Hats point out that they don’t have a ship, but the Gladiators have one ready for them.

The pirates get up and prepare to leave the island. Luffy asks Bellamy if he can get up and the pirate confirms and does so. Bellamy asks Law why he was saved and Law replies that Luffy said he was a friend, but the two argue. The marines begin to swarm around the house as the pirates rush out and the marines open fire on them. Bartolomeo blocks their bullets with a barrier, but Luffy suddenly stops and stands on the other side. He reveals that he has some work to do and tells the others to go on their way. The pirates are surprised but do as he says, even though Zoro inadvertently goes in the wrong direction. Luffy jumps down to the city below and the marines open fire on him, but Luffy activates Gomu Gomu no Fusen to block their bullets from landing and attack them with rapid strikes.

At the royal palace, Riku Doldo III calls Tanka Lepanto and reveals that it is time to announce his return to the throne. Doldo asks his servant to get Rebecca and Viola, and an overjoyed Tank obliges. Inside, Viola uses clairvoyance to track the fleeing pirates, and Rebecca is sad that she couldn’t see Luffy anymore to thank him. Meanwhile, Fujitora, Tsuru, and the Tsuru soldiers march through the city, with Fujitora planning to use his full power to see if Luffy’s luck has run out. At Camp Bastille, he asserts his command and issues orders to continue the attack on the Straw Hats and the Royal Palace. The Straw Hats and their allies run through the city and Usopp trips over the rubble, but Bartolomeo is still amazed that he’s doing it. Usopp wonders if it’s safe, but Bartolomeo keeps going.

Bastille receives word that the Straw Hats are headed for the Eastern Port, so he contacts his men there. However, the unknown person on the other end reports that all is well, the marines in the eastern port are blown away. Bastille becomes suspicious of the person on the other side, who turns out to be Abdullah and Jeet, and claims they don’t need any support. Bastille detects them by asking for their name and Marine code, and orders his men in the camp to send reinforcements to the occupied eastern port. Meanwhile, Cavendish and Sai take out the marines heading for the Straw Hats, and Hajrudin picks up a fallen building blocking their path before throwing it at the marines. Blue Gilly, Suleiman and Baby 5 also attack the marines and they report to Bastille that the criminals in the palace are now here.

Bastille asks if there’s anyone left in the palace when Luffy suddenly flies over him as he heads towards the rock tower, which he has wrapped around his shoulders. The marines shoot at him as Luffy gets his arm stuck around the tower, but manages to free himself as he flies into the Flower Field where he is surrounded by marines. The Marines in the Flower Field report that they have found Luffy, but Luffy takes them out with attacks from above. Luffy shouts Rebecca’s name as he finishes off the marines with a Gear 3 punch, and the impact is noticed by the people in Rebecca’s assembly room. Rebecca then hears Luffy call her name and calls out to him from her window, and Luffy pulls himself right out of the window. Rebecca heads towards Luffy, despite the guard trying to block her, and Viola is surprised to see Luffy. Luffy asks Rebecca if she’s okay with what Kyros did, knowing she’ll never see him again. Rebecca acknowledges that her father is trying to distance himself from her and wonders if it was because she said horrible things to him as she remembers arguing with Kyros when he was a toy that he would never be able to defeat Doflamingo because he was a mere one-legged soldier. He asks Luffy if she’s being annoying to Kyros, but Luffy exasperatedly shouts that he just wants to know if Rebecca is okay with what Kyros did. Rebecca emotionally replies that she isn’t and Luffy tells her to come with him. Confused by this, Viola and the guards try to intervene, but Rebecca turns to her and asks her for a favor.

Luffy pulls Rebecca out of the palace and a man runs to Dold to reveal what just happened. The citizens below are stunned by this turn of events and begin to turn against Luffy, saying that they should never have trusted a pirate. Gatz is also stunned, but declares that he still likes Luffy. Maynard points this out to prove his point that pirates cannot be trusted and orders his men to go after Luffy and rescue Rebecca. Luffy jumps into the city with Rebecca clinging to him as the Marine snipers carefully target him. However, their rifles fire blanks and they suddenly collapse. Bastille heard this and wondered if it was from Haoshoku Haki, but it turned out that the marines were still conscious. Bastille is tensed, knowing the criminals are about to escape, and orders all their forces to head east. The Straw Hats approach the harbor and Law notices Sengoku

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