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Luffy brings Rebecca to Kyros’ house where he confronts his father about leaving her. Rebecca tells Kyros that she wants to be with him regardless of his past and the two reconcile.

Meanwhile, Fujitora approaches the Straw Hats and Colosseum Gladiators who are waiting for Luffy to return. Law goes to talk to Sengoku about Donquijote Rosinante, with Sengoku talking about how he raised Rosinante as a son, and Law reveals that he was the boy Rosinante died for.

Luffy continues to run across the rooftops with Rebecca on his back as the citizens of Dressrosa angrily chase after him, saying that they should never have trusted him. Some citizens climb onto the roof that Luffy is on, but he jumps them to another building and runs on. Luffy jumps back down into the streets with the citizens still chasing him when he suddenly runs into a squad of marines. The marines shoot nets at him and Luffy tries to avoid them, but one soldier manages to hit him in mid-air. Unable to reach the roof, Luffy collapses to the ground due to a net made of Seastone and is freed by a frantic Rebecca. However, they are surrounded by marines who order Luffy to surrender Rebecca, but the pirate refuses as he attacks them. The marines fire more nets at him, but Luffy pulls himself and Rebecca away, causing the marines to become entangled in them. Luffy and Rebecca are sent flying high into the air, causing Rebecca to scream in terror, but Luffy manages to catch another building as they descend. They are sent flying into the window and Luffy runs inside the building, stealing a piece of meat before jumping out the other side. As they run down the street again, Luffy tells Rebecca that he will leave her behind the hill and lure their pursuers away as the citizens will take her back to the palace if they catch her. He tells her to head to the little house in the Flower Field, which causes Rebecca to remember living there as a child. Luffy tells Rebecca to hurry before Kyros leaves and she thanks him for everything.

Meanwhile, Kyros packs his things in his house and picks up a pair of brown gloves, recalling how he held young Rebecca with them after initially refusing to touch her with his bare hands. He then mentally speaks to Scarlett that he has fulfilled his role and asks her forgiveness for lying about who her husband was, claiming that he did it so Rebecca could live a happy life. Meanwhile, Rebecca arrives at the Flower Field and remembers when she and her parents were picking flowers. She happily gave them flowers before they sold them all in town, which she was excited about when they got home. In the present, Rebecca races through the woods leading to the field, but trips over a tree root. He then remembers how Kyros went to the burning palace ten years ago when the Don Quixote pirates were taking over and how they shared one last hug as a family. A few days later, Rebecca was approached by Kyros, now transformed into a Thunder Soldier toy and carrying a dead Scarlett in his arms. Thunder Soldier apologized to Rebecca for failing to protect her mother, and Rebecca grieved over her as Thunder Soldier promised to protect her. However, Rebecca became angry at Thunder Soldier for not protecting Scarlett because she had forgotten who she really was. Rebecca remembers spending the rest of her life happily with Thunder Soldier, and in the present she silently begs him not to go because there is so much she hasn’t told him. Rebecca then gets up and keeps running.

Kyros heads for the door and remembers how he protected Rebecca when he was Thunder Soldier and how she once told him she wanted to live with him one day. Rebecca keeps running and stumbling through the woods, bruises and cuts forming on her face and tearing at her clothes. When she stumbles again, Rebecca remembers how Thunder Soldier taught her to fight and continues determinedly. Kyros prepares to leave, knowing that Rebecca has been mocked for the past ten years for being a member of the deposed royal family, and he wants her to finally live happily as part of the royal family. He also decided that he shouldn’t stay here either. As Kyros opens the door, he is suddenly face to face with Rebecca, who tells him not to lie. Realizing that she is talking about his letter, Kyros declares that everything he wrote there was true, as he was indeed once a mass murderer. However, Rebecca claims that she doesn’t care and that she only has one father, claiming that it is him. The two begin to cry as Rebecca hugs her father, telling him to stay by her side like he promised her as a toy, and Kyros slowly hugs her back. He asks if she really doesn’t mind him being her father, which Rebecca happily confirms, and the two reconcile emotionally. In the royal palace, Viola approaches Rik Dold III. and reveals to her that Rebecca asked her to become crown princess in her place, much like Scarlett did years ago.

The Straw Hats, Samurai, and Gladiators from the Colosseum have arrived at the East Port, but are forced to wait for Luffy and the suddenly absent Law to return. Suddenly, Fujitora comes flying towards them on a piece of rubble and Zoro eagerly anticipates the clash as Luffy hurriedly runs to the port. At the Marine Corps camp, Bastille tells his men about his strategy to capture the pirates and criminals in one fell swoop by surrounding them and sending Fujitora to make the final move. Zoro sends a flying slash at Fujitora, but the admiral jumps off the piece of rubble he’s sitting on, which is destroyed by the slash. Zoro prepares to draw more swords, but Bartolomeo blocks him and tells him to leave it to him and the gladiators. At the Marine camp, Bastille receives news that Marine units across the island have lost their weapons and their battleships have been joined together. Unbeknownst to them, their weapons were stolen by the dwarves and Leo stitched their ships together. Bastille becomes angry at the news and Mansherry wonders if it’s okay for her to continue receiving Kenpopo’s gifts, but Maujii reassures her and reveals that Kyros allowed it. The Marine tells her friend, who is giving the gift, that she has to go, but Mansherry says they’ll be done soon, and the entranced Marine is eager to give her all the time she needs. The Marines report to Bastille that what happened to them is supposedly the work of fairies, which angers the Vice Admiral. At the eastern port, Bartolomeo builds a barrier to block Fujitora, who draws her sword from its sheath. Luffy sees an explosion in front of him and wonders if his allies are fighting.

Meanwhile, Sengoku offers Law an okaki, which he declines in favor of the Inspector General to start talking. Sengoku tells Law about what happened thirteen years ago when he was talking to Donquijote Rosinante about the boy with the Amber Lead disease. He warned Rosinante not to let it in

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