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Luffy, Bartolomeo, Desire, and the miners attempt to escape the underground mine, but are attacked by Peseta and his men. However, Kin’emon arrives and helps them escape, and Zoro defeats Peseta. As the pirates prepare to return to the besieged Going Luffy-senpai, Luffy, Bartolomeo, and Desire are confronted by Bill, who reveals that he was the one who destroyed Desire’s crew.

In the underground mining colony at the Silver Mine, Luffy, Bartolomeo, and Desire prepare to escape by taking a railroad track that runs above ground. Bartolomeo is excited to follow Luffy because it makes him feel like a member of the Straw Hat Pirates. Desire turns to the enslaved miners and asks if they want to go with them, but the miners refuse, not wanting to face Bill’s wrath. Bartolomeo assures them that Luffy will defeat Bill, but they are skeptical. However, Desire says that they are just waiting here to die, so it would be better to take their chance at freedom. The miners decide to accompany them and run up the track. However, the group is ambushed by Peseta and his men, who fire cannons at them. The track collapses from the explosions and Luffy uses Gomu Gomu no Fusen to soften the landing of his allies. Tracks begin to fall down on the pirates and miners, but Bartolomeo blocks them with his barrier and throws the barrier up at Peseta only to be hit by the pieces of tracks she collected. Peseta dodges the blow and admires the barrier, and Bartolomeo creates a barrier staircase leading outside.

Peseta and his men again shoot at the ascending pirates and miners, with Peseta knowing that Bartolomeo can only create a limited area of ​​the barrier he used on the staircase. The pirates and miners manage to escape the cannon fire, but Peseta assures one of his men that he has backup plans. A squad of Silver Pirate Alliance members arrive and block the entrance, shooting packets full of Bill’s molten ore. However, one of the miners is suddenly replaced by Kin’emon, who fights his way through the flood of ore. The replaced miner Kin’emon is transported to Going Luffy-senpai, who docked at the Silver Mine. Law used Shambles to replace them and the effort drained him. Inside the mine, Luffy takes out the members of the Silver Pirate Alliance as he and his allies finally escape the mine. However, Peseta confronts them again and prevents them from going any further as she lifts the captive crew members of the Desire suspended from a piece of track. Peseta uses his hostages to force the pirates and miners to surrender, but the hostages are suddenly freed by Zoro.

Peseta laughs at Zoro’s arrival and remembers how Zoro got caught in his sticky shell the last time they met. An angry Bartolomeo tries to attack Peseta, but Luffy holds him back as it is Zoro’s fight. Peseta fires Sticky Shells at Zoro, but Zoro cuts through them all without anything sticking to him. Zoro tells a shocked Peseta that it’s a shame for a swordsman to stick something like that to him, and uses the Three Sword Style to create a whirlwind that sends Peseta and his men flying away, all stuck in the glue. Desire regroups with her crew and tells them to go to port, but says she’ll stay a little longer before pulling out the blade. The sweet pirates head out to sea to wait for her, and the miners leave as well, thanking the trio for freeing them. Luffy and Bartolomeo ask if Desire intends to patch things up with Bill, which she confirms, and she apologizes to Luffy for her rudeness towards him earlier. Zoro and Kin’emon tell Luffy and Bartolomeo that they should go back to Going Luffy-senpai and the four of them run away.

Suddenly, a giant wave of molten ore falls on the wooden bridge, destroying part of it and separating Luffy and Bartolome from Zoro and Kin’emon. Bill then appears and Luffy tells Zoro and Kin’emon to continue without them. Bill laments that he let Zoro escape, but longs to get to Luffy and his reward. Out at sea, Going Luffy-senpai comes under attack from battleboat riders, which Usopp and Franky successfully repel this time, and Law wonders where Luffy is. At the Silver Mine, Desire tells Luffy and Bartolomeo that they will work things out with Bill, but Bill replies that his way of working things out is to sniff out everyone on the island. Desire is shocked by this, and Bill says that his real goal is to collect rewards from the people who teamed up with him. For that reason, he recruited Desire, a natural leader, by destroying most of her fleet and rescuing the survivors. Desire becomes angry at Bill for betraying her and she prepares to attack him.

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