
While Law meets with his crew in the Whale Forest, Wanda takes the Straw Hats to see Duke Inuarashi. On the way, he tells them about Jack’s invasion. 17 days ago, Jack led the Beasts Pirates in a raid on the city of Kurau to find the ninja Raiza. The Norse claimed they did not know Raizo, but the pirates attacked regardless, causing the Norse to fight back.

Long summary

Law walks through the Whale Forest and members of his crew appear in front of him. They are happily reunited and continue into the forest to catch up.

Meanwhile, Wanda takes the Straw Hats to see Duke Inuarashi through the passage in the Right Wing Keep. The Straw Hats look in awe at the plants on the ceiling that provide light, then realize that Luffy is missing. They find Luffy sitting in a tree outside the passage eating grapes and continue to be impressed by the beautiful scenery in the Right Wing Fortress. Wanda then reveals that the Norse don’t usually live in a fortress, but in Kurau City, which used to be intact and full of life. Minks of all shapes and sizes had friendly interactions with each other as they lived normal lives. However, the town was razed to the ground over two weeks ago, and Wanda is about to tell the Straw Hats what happened. 17 days ago, the people of Kurau City heard a bell ringing, but they soon realized that it was the Raid Bell, which they rarely heard before. At the gate to the Mokomo Duchy, Bariete frantically rang the Raid Bell as an unknown force pounded on the gate and nearby guards prepared to attack. The attackers finally broke through, causing Bariete to fly into the wall, and he stood up and continued ringing the bell as the attackers, consisting of several armed people and a massive four-legged object, raced towards the city of Kurau.

The attackers entered Kurau City and the Norse retreated as they gathered in fear. The large object is revealed to be a mammoth and one of the attackers, Sheepshead, reveals that they were the Beasts pirates and the mammoth was Jack, one of the three disasters who are Kaidou’s right-hand men. The Beasts Pirates revealed that they were looking for a samurai from Wano Country, Raizo, but the Norse claimed that they didn’t even know Raizo or his location. Sheepshead berates Ginrummy for calling Raizo a samurai when he was a ninja, but Ginrummy replies that samurai can refer to anyone in the land of Wano. The Norks, led by Monjii, continued to claim ignorance and offered Jack to speak to the Duke in peace. However, Jack responded by destroying several buildings with his trunk, throwing the minks into chaos and refusing such an offer, ordering his soldiers called the Pleasures to attack. One of the Pleasures targeted the frightened young mink, but the mink suddenly jumped towards him and electrocuted him. The rest of the Minks followed his lead as they blew the rest of the Pleasures away with Electro, and Monjii told Jack that all Minks were born warriors who would step up to defend their country at a moment’s notice. He again offered to let the Duke talk to Jack peacefully, but Jack refused any talk as he ordered his Gifters, people with a strange animal appearance, to attack.

Back in the present, the Straw Hats are all shocked by the story, Luffy is excited to hear about the mammoth, and Brook quietly explains that this is why he told them not to mention the samurai or Wano Country. Luffy then sees that they are on a suspension bridge and swings on it for fun, scaring and enraging his classmates. As Wanda continues to talk about the Beasts Pirates’ search for Raiz, Crestfallen Luffy says that this probably means the Kin’emon ninja he was talking about wasn’t here, much to his crewmates’ chagrin when Wanda pricks up his ears.

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