
Luffy finds Nami in a pile of duplicates of his crew members and she reveals what happened between them and Charlotte Brûlée. Brûlée used Mira Mira no Mi to trap Carrot in the Mirror World, and the anthropomorphic flora ambushed Nami and Chopper, subduing them as Nami escaped.

In the present, Luffy and Nami confront the buried man about what he knows, and he reveals that all the flora and fauna are alive because they are receiving soul fragments from Big Mom’s Soru Soru no Mi ability; takes a month’s lifespan from all citizens of Totto Land as a tax and releases them into the wild. When asked how he knows this, the man reveals that he was once one of Big Mom’s husbands.

Meanwhile, Big Mom orders Charlotte Cracker, her tenth son, and one of the Three Sweet Commanders in her crew to go and attack the Straw Hats, and he stomps through the Seductive Forest as he approaches Luffy, Nami, and the former Big Mom. husband.

The citizens of Totto Land arrive at the cathedral and encounter a dark block-like being inside. The creature asks them “Leave or Life?”, and all the citizens choose life, causing the creature to reach into their body and pull out a small glowing spectral orb to place in the basket.

In the Seducing Woods, a confused Luffy ponders a bunch of creatures that appear to be duplicates of his allies, all making animal noises. He sees one of the Nami duplicates talking, only to discover that it is the real Nami as she curses and beats him. Nami looks over the duplicates of their allies before turning to the buried man beside them and angrily stating that he saw their entire conflict with Brûlée without doing anything. He then reveals to Luffy what happened when they were separated, as his mirror duplicate turned out to be the eighth daughter of the Charlotte family, Charlotte Brûlée. Brûlée held Nami in her grip, but Nami was able to free herself by extending her Clima-Tact into Brûlée’s stomach. Brûlée backed away and Carrot charged at her, but the mink blocked the attack with a rippling body mirror. This mirror reflected Carrot’s attack back at her and sent her flying back. Brûlée revealed that she could create mirrors using Mira Mira no Mi’s power, and Carrot attacked again, only for Brûlée to create a larger mirror that sucked her inside. This left Carrot trapped on the other side of the mirror and Brûlée closed it, cutting Carrot off from Nami and Chopper.

The flora of the forest came back to life and Brûlée revealed that they, including Randolph, had been sent by Big Mom to play with them and take down the Straw Hats in the Seductive Forest. Nami and Chopper found themselves surrounded and overwhelmed by dozens of enemy plants, and Chopper told Nami to run so the three of them couldn’t be captured. He then activated Monster Point and fought the flora as Nami ran away, and Brûlée stared admiringly at Chopper’s unusual appearance, saying that Big Mom would be happy to have him due to her love of strange creatures. Nami struggled to stay on her feet as she ran and Chopper continued to fight the flora and Randolph. Back in the present, Luffy asks what happened to Carrot and Chopper, and Nami says she doesn’t know because it all happened in this very place, which is why she’s asking the buried man. Luffy joins the interrogation and the man tries to answer. Meanwhile, at Whole Cake Castle, Big Mom’s anthropomorphic food confirms that Brûlée and his friends are taking care of the Straw Hats in the luscious woods, and she is approached by Charlotte Cracker, a hulking man who is her tenth and one son. of the Three Sweet Commanders of her crew. Fear strikes the food and Big Mom orders him to head to the Enchanting Woods and bring pain to the Straw Hats that would make them wish for death, which he happily obliges.

Back in the Seducing Woods, Buried only agrees to answer Luffy and Nami’s questions if they bring him apple juice, and an angry Luffy agrees after answering them. He first asks Nami if she is strong, noting that unlike Luffy, she doesn’t look it. He says that Chopper was strong but was eventually subdued by the anthropomorphic flora and fauna that cannot be stopped. Nami says that she got them to stop attacking her, as did Luffy after beating them up enough. Luffy then asks how everything is alive and the man reveals that the citizens of Totto Land are giving up their lifespan in exchange for a safe life in Big Mom’s territory. They give away a month of their lives every six months as a result of Big Mom’s Soru Soru no Mi, which allows her to manipulate souls. She sends her incarnations, which are black creatures, to collect the soul fragments and they are released into the wild. When he enters an inanimate object or even an animal like Randolph, the object gains sentience and becomes a friend. Only humans and corpses cannot become homies. Luffy asks if the animal duplicates of his allies are also homies, and the man says that it’s actually Brûlée’s power that turns animals into reflections of humans. Luffy gets mad at the man for not telling him the whole time watching, and the man replies that he didn’t want to get involved. He eventually relents when Luffy pulls his eyelids open and, after much hesitation, reveals that he was once one of Big Mom’s husbands. Luffy and Nami stare at him in shock, and as this happens, Cracker marches through the Enchanting Woods, causing the cronies around him to cower in fear as he heads towards Luffy, Nami, and the buried man to attack them.

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