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Despite his valiant efforts, Luffy cannot overcome Cracker’s defenses. Cracker pins Luffy and the Sweet Commander states that Sanji as the king should appreciate his upcoming wedding and that Luffy is doing him no favors by saving him. This infuriates Luffy, causing him to activate Gear 4 and finally deal a damaging blow to Cracker. Cracker is helpless against Gear 4’s power and his body seemingly shatters after another attack. However, Cracker’s body is revealed to be just a puppet made from a cookie and the real Cracker reveals himself to Luffy and shows off the powers of Bisu Bisu no Mi as he creates several cookie puppets that took Luffy so long to knock down. only one of

Meanwhile, Brook and Pedro encounter some cookie soldiers in Sweet City, but as buddies, and Pedro plans to use them to get into the Whole Cake Castle. In the Mirror World, Chopper and Carrot try to move with the chain balls around their legs, but they try to look into one of the mirrors. Elsewhere in the Seducing Woods, Nami decides to use the power of her Vivre card to force the friends to attack Cracker, much to their shock.

As it gets dark, Sanji continues to stare from his balcony and is addressed by Reiju. Reiju tries to get him to sleep, but Sanji continues to be cold towards her. He reveals that Ichiji and Niji are coming back tomorrow, and Sanji solemnly recalls how his two older brothers bullied him along with Yonji. Reiju reminds him that tomorrow will be a busy day before he leaves, but Sanji stays where he is. He notices a butterfly flying by, but the butterfly draws his attention to his exploding bonds, angering him. However, Sanji tries to calm down as he lights a cigarette.

Meanwhile, Luffy attacks Cracker with several Gear 3 attacks, but not even their power can penetrate Cracker’s defenses; Sweet Commander easily creates additional shields and blocks them all. Cracker jabs his swords at Luffy repeatedly before infusing two of them with Busoshoku Haki and spinning them around, and Luffy blocks the drill-like jab with his Haki-infused legs. However, Cracker eventually manages to overpower Luffy and send him in front of a house located in front of a giant mirror. While Cracker goes after Luffy, the friends around the house run away from the conflict; however, the flower homie reminds them of their duty to protect the Seducing Woods, causing the cronies to return and try to stop Luffy from getting out of the house. Despite some injuries, Luffy lunges back at Cracker and attacks him with several quick punches; again, this has no effect, and Luffy remarks that Cracker’s Busoshoku Haki is extremely hard. After blocking many attacks, Cracker slams his shields into Luffy, holding him down. The sweet commander mocks Luffy’s goal to save Sanji, saying that Sanji is ready for a luxurious royal lifestyle after marriage, as befits someone of his blood. Cracker says that if Luffy managed to reach Sanji, Sanji would simply reject his former captain to live as a high-status king. This makes Luffy extremely angry and the Straw Hat Captain blows air into his arm to activate Gear 4. He successfully fights off Cracker’s grip and flies furiously towards Cracker, finally drawing blood from Sweet Commander as he pierces through Cracker’s. shields and hits his body with Kong’s single weapon. Cracker is sent flying back and is left sprawled on the ground.

Meanwhile, Brook and Pedro get sight of Whole Cake’s castle as they break into Sweet City, only to suddenly see dudes with bodies very similar to Cracker’s patrolling the city. Hiding from patrols, they are horrified when one of them looks into their alley, but doesn’t see them as he instead picks up a piece of candy left on the ground. Brook wonders how they’ll get past the security of the patrols, and Pedro has an idea to use the patrols to his advantage. Meanwhile, Chopper and Carrot stare at Brûlée’s Mirro-World, a colorful and abstract world with mirrors everywhere. He tries to look around but struggles to move with the heavy ball chains wrapped around his ankles. Chopper encourages Carrot to keep pushing and the two approach one of the mirrors to look into it. Back at Seducing Woods, Nami reveals to Pound that she intends to use the Vivre card Lola gave her to the fullest by subduing all of Seducing Woods’ friends and using them to attack Cracker. The Homies are horrified by this statement and try to resist or escape, but Nami easily subdues them with the power of Big Mom’s soul inside the Vivre Card.

Meanwhile, Luffy immediately moves to attack the downed Cracker, and Cracker gets up in time to counterattack with Pretzel. However, after a brief head-on clash, Luffy’s fist shattered the Pretzel and hit Cracker again, this time with such force that it appeared to completely shatter Cracker’s body. However, while Luffy’s arm is still outstretched, a man peeks out of Cracker’s remains and swings his sword at Luffy’s arm, causing blood to flow. Luffy quickly pulls his arm back in pain, wondering who attacked him; he is shocked when the man turns out to be the real Cracker. Cracker reveals that his previous appearance was actually a puppet he created from a cookie using the Bisu Bisu no Mi power, which he usually runs inside because he doesn’t like pain. He inhabits his cookie soldier puppet so much that he even fooled the world government because his reward poster shows the face of his cookie soldier. Cracker then creates crackers out of thin air and uses his crafting skills to create several cracker soldiers, taunting Luffy for giving him the effort to take down just one cracker soldier because now he’s facing several and Cracker can create an infinite number of them.

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