
Unable to reach Cracker before Gear 4 runs out, Luffy is forced to hide in the Seducing Woods for ten minutes while Cracker sends the Biscuit Soldiers to search for him.

Meanwhile, Sanji’s argument against his family members is ended when Judge reveals that with a single order, he can have Baratie destroyed and Zeff killed. This deeply unnerves Sanji as he remembers Zeff giving up a leg for him and acting like a real father.

Luffy is tired as he continues to destroy Cracker’s endless amount of cookie soldiers. Cracker taunts Luffy about this, and Luffy states that he will simply destroy cookie soldiers faster than Cracker can create them. When he unleashes Double Culverin, he quickly destroys the cracker soldiers one by one in a continuous motion, but no matter how fast he goes, Cracker is ready with more cracker soldiers. After this fails, Luffy decides to try and take out all the soldiers with one punch, so he flies into the air and blows on his arm, activating the King Kong Gun. Cracker has his soldiers form a solid defensive formation in front of him as Luffy unleashes his giant punch, and to Cracker’s shock, the King Kong Gun blasts his soldiers away like nothing as he quickly moves towards him. However, just before Luffy can hit Cracker himself, Gear 4 runs out and Luffy is sent flying as air spews from his mouth. Luffy lands by a tree and is angry at himself for not being able to attack for the next ten minutes.

Meanwhile, the Vinsmoke Family looks on as Sanji holds the plate that Niji threw at Cosette. The food that was on the plate fell and Cosette tries to assure Sanji that she will clean it up. However, Sanji examines the food and compliments Cosette on its excellent craftsmanship as he eats it, which frightens and unnerves her. The Vinsmokes are disgusted by Sanji’s actions, but Sanji is equally disgusted by them and berates Nijima for his despicable treatment of food and women. This enrages Niji, who tries to kick Sanji. The referee orders Nijima to stop and he stops his kick mid-air, but the force of the stopped kick is still strong enough to blow Cosetta away. As Sanji helps her back up, Ichiji says that he doesn’t understand Sanji’s reasoning, saying that his behavior doesn’t match that of royalty at all. The judge agrees with Ichiji and wonders if Zeff caused Sanji’s bad behavior as he pulls out a photo of the chef. The Judge reveals that thanks to Big Mom, Germa 66 now has Baratia’s exact location and can attack him whenever they want, killing Zeff in the process. Tamago gave Judge a picture of Zeff along with the exploding handcuffs she now had on Sanji’s wrists and gave him the tools he needed to keep Sanji in line. If Sanji acts out of line, Baratie will be destroyed and Zeff will be killed, stunning the young chef. The judge tells him that they will be meeting Big Mom and Pudding today for lunch so Sanji is expected to be on his best behavior and he thinks as his sister and brothers leave the room.

Sanji remembers the past when he attacked Zeff as a young child when the Captain Cook Pirates attacked Orbit. Zeff easily overpowered Sanji and kicked him into the far wall, but Sanji didn’t give up, biting Zeff’s leg and declaring his dream to reach All Blue. Soon after, the force of the storm around them increased and Sanji was blown into the ocean. To the shock of his crew, Zeff cursed the small child before kicking off the mast and floating towards Sanji on it. The storm passed and Sanji and Zeff ended up on a rock in the middle of the ocean with no animals or plants. Zeff gave Sanji a bag of five days worth of food and ordered him to go to the other side of the island to guard the ships. Sanji complained that Zeff’s bag was significantly bigger than his, but Zeff replied that he needed to eat more because he was an adult. Sanji went to the other side of the island and allocated five days worth of food to last 20 days.

On the 25th day, Sanji ate his last piece of bread, which had gone moldy. As he ate, he remembered his position in orbit, where he couldn’t understand why the cooks ate the passengers’ leftovers, claiming they could simply throw them away and eat the plenty of fresh food they had in store. Sanji cried at the memory and accidentally dropped the rest of the bread into the ocean, freaking him out. On day 70, an emaciated Sanji decided to go to the other side of the island to see if Zeff had died. After climbing the rock formation that separated them, Sanji was shocked to notice that Zeff still had plenty of food in his bag and threatened Zeff at knife point to get him the food. Zeff didn’t fight back when Sanji cut open the bag, but the young chef was shocked to find that the bag contained only treasure. In shock, Sanji wonders what Zeff ate and then sees that the lower half of Zeff’s right leg is missing. Zeff revealed that his leg got stuck while swimming to the wrecked ship to save Sanji, forcing him to cut it off with an anchor chain; he hadn’t eaten since they washed up on the island. This brought Sanji to tears, and after they were both finally rescued, they opened the Baratie together. Zeff was very hard on Sanji because the young chef was into cooking and women, but the two always had a bond, and when Sanji left Baratia to join the Straw Hat Pirates two years before the present, he tearfully thanked Zeff for everything. the cook did for him.

Back in the present, Luffy impatiently waits for ten minutes to pass so he can regain his Haki, complaining that it’s taking forever. Meanwhile, Cracker creates several cookie soldiers to hunt down Luffy, and one of the soldiers eventually succeeds. He lashes out at Luffy with his giant pretzel and Luffy barely manages to dodge but is barely able to move as the cookie soldier quickly catches up to him and prepares for the decisive blow.

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