
Tamago increases security on three Big Mom Pirates Poneglyphs in the Treasure Room by having Sweet Commander Charlotte Smoothie protect them. Brook spies the room and returns to tell Pedro about security and they come up with a plan to bypass it.

In the mirror world, Brûlée and her henchmen finally capture Chopper and Carrot. However, the two come up with a plan. They are taken to Brûlée’s house and Carrot is about to cook in a pot of boiling water, but Chopper prepares to execute the plan.

Big Mom shows the Vinsmoke family her collection of rare creatures trapped in giant books. Meanwhile, Luffy wakes up in another part of the library and he and Nami are bound together in a book. Big Mom leaves the Vinsmokes and calls Luffy and Nami to discuss their actions, but to her surprise, Luffy defiantly answers.

In the guest room, Sanji looks out the window and thinks about his rejection of his crew and the army sent by Big Mom to attack Luffy and Nami. Meanwhile, Luffy wakes up to find his hands tied to the wall behind him. Nami is next to him with the same bond as the two are trapped in a page in a giant book. Several Big Mom Pirates stand outside and reveal that Luffy and Nami are trapped by Mont-d’Ora’s ability. Luffy tries to rip off his bond but fails and the Big Mom Pirates just laugh as they close the book. In the Mirror World, Chopper and Carrot face off against Brûlée, her henchmen, and several animals that have turned into their reflections. Carrot wonders what they should do and Chopper gets an idea that he whispers to her. Angry at their plot, Brûlée attacks them with their reflections, but the animal copy attacks Chopper and Carrot’s reflections instead. The animals then pounce on the real Chopper and Carrot, and the noble Croc runs up with chains in his arms to capture the duo.

In the Treasure Room of the Whole Cake Castle, Brook’s disembodied soul enters through the wall and examines the room, noting the level of security within it, noting the three poneglyphs contained within: two normal and one road poneglyph. Tamago talks to Commander Sweet Charlotte Smoothie about the importance of the Poneglyphs, one of which they just received from Jinbe when he and Wadatsumi arrived at Whole Cake Island yesterday. As they speak, Smoothie squeezes the liquid out of the woman as if she were cloth, and asks Tamago why they need extra security now. Tamago reveals that Pedro was supposedly on the island and the mink captain tried to steal their Poneglyphs five years ago. Brook is shocked by what he has seen and heard and returns to the wine cellar where he and Pedro are hiding. He tells Pedro about the level of security in the room and they know they can’t get past it all. However, since Tamago seems to be specifically watching over Pedro, the duo get the idea to use a mink as bait.

At Brûlée’s house in the Mirror World, she and her minions gather around a giant pot filled with boiling water. A carrot is tied on a rope above her and the Brûlée group looks forward to cooking and eating it. Chopper tries to argue that it won’t taste good, but is ignored and told that he will be added to Big Mom’s collection of rare creatures. However, this situation is exactly what Chopper had planned, and he made sure that he would be captured in Heavy Point so that he could escape from his chains. Enough time has passed for him to activate the Monster Point as well, and he waits to execute his plan. Meanwhile, Big Mom takes the Vinsmoke family to her library, where she uses Mont-d’Ora’s ability to show them her collection of rare animals and races trapped in books. As she talks, the judge asks her about the giants, he hasn’t noticed any in Totto’s land yet. Big Mom’s expression darkens considerably, but she simply claims that Judge didn’t happen to see any. One of her servants then arrives and reports that they have brought Luffy and Nami to the required location, and as he stares at the Vinsmokes, he grows increasingly concerned. Big Mom excuses herself and goes with him, chiding him for being too excited about the comic book people. In the Prisoner’s Library, the Big Mom Pirates, now joined by Perospero, open the book to the page where Luffy and Nami are and place Big Mom’s lair in front of them. Big Mom then talks to Luffy and Nami, explaining Luffy’s declaration of war on Fish-Man Island and wondering why Luffy didn’t bring his entire crew. However, Luffy replies that he only came to save Sanji, and Big Mom says that he will rot in his cell forever. Luffy retorts by challenging Big Mom to fight him, surprising her with his defiance.

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