
Brook successfully destroys Carmel’s image. Even though Big Mom is having a mental breakdown, she doesn’t start screaming like Bege planned.

Luffy and Jinbe fend off the attacking Big Mom Pirates. Pudding attempts to shoot Sanji but fails, prompting Daifuku to attack him with his genie. When Bege’s plan goes awry, Perospero traps the Vinsmokes in candy and they are held at gunpoint. Brook notices that Big Mom isn’t yelling because she’s confused about what to be angry about. She then tells Luffy to show her the broken picture again, which Luffy prepares to do.

In disguise, Brook successfully destroys Carmel’s portrait. Big Mom quickly notices this and begins her mental crisis. However, Brook takes off his mask and reveals himself to Big Mom. He recognizes Brook and instead of screaming, he goes on a blind rampage against the wedding guests. In retaliation, several Big Mom Pirates face off against the Straw Hats. Luffy and Jinbe fight some of Big Mom’s smaller pirates, but begin to be overwhelmed. Pedro also fights but is attacked by Owen. The oven uses its Devil Fruit power to heat up Pedro’s sword, making it too hot to use.

Meanwhile, Sanji escapes with Pudding, but she turns on him and attacks him with a pistol. Sanji, dodging bullets, tries to sympathize with her. However, they are quickly attacked by Daifuku, who knocks Pudding out of the way. Daifuku uses his Devil Fruit power to summon a genie from his belt that fights Sanji.

In the mirror world, Caesar Clown, disguised as Gastin, carries Brûlée. Caesar plans to escape, but is angry because the others keep seeing him as a loser.

Vinsmoke Judge watches the chaos unfold and demands his weapon back, but Perospero stops him, promising to “protect him firmly and firmly”. The Vinsmokes are all tied to candy chairs with Perosper’s Devil Fruit ability. Although Judge is angry at the betrayal, Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji react nonchalantly, mocking their own deaths. Reiju, angry at her father for raising them without empathy, watches with disdain.

Luffy plans to show Big Mom the broken portrait again to make her scream. He runs to the portrait and collects the pieces. Meanwhile, Katakuri approaches Bege and orders him to shoot Luffy. Bege refuses and prepares to fight Katakuri, supported by Jinbo and Pedro.
The anime adds the following:
When Big Mom sees the broken picture of Carmel right after Brook destroys it, Bege is seen carrying her KX launcher.
After Brook destroys Carmel’s painting, Mascarpone attacks him and he is the one who cuts off Brook’s head. In the manga, it is not known who beheaded Brook.
The judge asked Perospero to return their weapons to his family before trapping them in candy.
Before Pudding tried to shoot Sanji, he ran away with her.
Big Mom is shown attempting to attack Jinbe and Luffy with Prometheus more times in the anime than in the manga.
Sanji’s fight with Daifuku’s genie drags on.
The genie can turn into smoke to avoid attacks.
The fight is more balanced, with Sanji blocking several attacks and even kicking the genie in the face with Diable Jambe, causing it to hit the ground so hard it looked like it was going to explode.
The anime shows that Oven was about to attack Jinbe, but Pedro stands in his way.

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