
Luffy continues to fight Katakuri. Despite his injuries, he is determined to defeat his enemy and return to the Thousand Sunny.

Back on Sunny, the Straw Hat Pirates are still on the run from Big Mom, who is using her soul to enlarge Prometheus. Nami then sees Nostra Castello with a wedding cake on board. Lured by the smell, Big Mama begins to chase Capone Bege. Sanji returns to Sunny and the Straw Hats continue their course to Cacao Island.

Luffy manages to predict Katakuri’s attack and counter it, surprising Katakuri when he realizes that Luffy’s Kenbunshoku Haki is evolving. However, Katakuri then manages to hit Luffy more, and when Luffy tries to see if Katakuri will attack with Mogura or his mochi donuts, Katakuri notes that Luffy’s foresight is not as advanced as his own and attacks with both. Luffy tries his best to dodge the attacks, but the fatigue is starting to catch up with him, and despite the occasional good move, he’s still overwhelmed. Luffy ends up lying on the ground and Katakuri tells him not to get up, that the Big Mom Pirates have heard of his plan to meet his crew on Cocoa Island and are waiting for him there if he somehow succeeds. get out of it. However, to Katakuri’s surprise, Luffy doesn’t see it as a problem. As the two continue to fight, Flampe believes the fight will soon be over as he aims his blowtorch at an unsuspecting Luffy.

At Nostra Castello, one of the chefs reveals that he forgot to add the rose frosting to the top of the wedding cake and couldn’t do it now that the cake was otherwise done. The cooks start to panic, but Sanji steps in and offers it. Using the Sky Walk, she flies to the top of the cake and perfectly adds the rose frosting, causing Pudding, Chiffon and the cooks to celebrate. When the cake is done, Sanji looks forward to seeing his crew again, but Pudding’s sadistic side comes out and suggests that the crew may have already been killed, much to the dismay of her more pleasant personality when Chiffon reprimands her. She, Chiffon, and the cooks then collapse from exhaustion, and Bege looks forward to Big Mom eating the cake, saying there’s no need to poison it as she hopes Big Mom will die from its deliciousness.

Meanwhile, Big Mom catches up with Sunny as she flies the Prometheus. Chopper activates Monster Point to deal with her, but is quickly overpowered and injured by Big Mom’s sword strikes with Napoleon. Prometheus breathes fire on Sunny, forcing both Nami and Brook to work to stop the approaching flames. Sunny’s crew refuse to go down without a fight, but Prometheus then massively expands, causing Sunny to ignite with its heat, and Jinbe says that the solar homie is too big to stop with the seawater. All Chopper can do is try to force Big Mom to go back down so he can pull her into the ocean with him, but Nami then notices Nostra Castello approaching and Big Mom smells the wedding cake. Sunny’s crew rejoice as he heads towards her, and Bege prepares to lure her to him. Sanji agrees that he can do whatever he wants with her after he eats the cake and prepares to go to Sunny with Pudding for Rabiyan. Pudding says goodbye to Chiffon and is happy to see his sister living happily with the people she loves. Chiffon tells Pudding not to lose the source of his happiness, causing Pudding to tense up as he looks at Sanji. She and Sanji then fly off towards Sunny, with Rabiyan driving fast enough to avoid detection. Immediately after reaching the Sunny, Sanji joins his crew members wondering where Carrot and Pedro are, to which Brook lies that they are both resting below decks. Meanwhile, Perospero notes that this situation is meant to divide the Big Mom Pirates. He looks at the cake and starts to worry about it because he knows that Big Mom needs to eat it to save everyone from her rampage, but he also knows that everyone will be in danger if the cake turns out to be poisoned and kills her . He then receives a call from Bege as the Sunny crew begins to head out to Cacao Island.

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