
As Big Mom follows the Fire Tank Pirates, the group on the Thousand Sunny continues to Cacao Island, but Sanji informs them that the Big Mom Pirates are aware of their plan to meet Luffy there.

A large force of Big Mom Pirates gathers on Cacao Island and Oven sets a trap for Luffy.

Inside the mirror world, Flampe silently interferes in Luffy’s fight with Katakuri, causing Luffy to be severely injured.

Luffy continues to fight Katakuri in the mirror world, and Katakuri’s sister Flampe looks on as she prepares to shoot Luffy with her blowtorch. Luffy is constantly trying to strengthen his Kenbunshoku Haki and anticipate Katakuri’s attacks, and even though he’s not yet at Katakuri’s level and still gets pummeled as a result, he’s developing it very quickly. Katakuri realizes this, and when he realizes he needs to finish Luffy quickly, Flampe successfully shoots Luffy in the leg with a blowtorch. The arrow causes Luffy’s leg to go numb, leaving him unable to dodge when Katakuri attacks him with Mochi Tsuki, resulting in Mogura giving him a terrible blow. Katakuri expresses his disappointment in Luffy while Flampe secretly laughs, and although Luffy manages to stand up, he is completely overwhelmed by Katakuri’s kick. Flampe revels in what she has done and imagines that Katakuri will be proud of her afterwards and consider her his favorite little sister. Luffy tries to dodge more punches from Mogura, but is unable to return to the fight as Katakuri pummels him with several mochi fists created from Muso Donuts, leaving him immobile in the crater on the ground.

On Whole Cake Island, Mont-d’Or expresses his disbelief that the Straw Hats caused the collapse of the Whole Cake Chateau, and Count Niwatori says that if they are so good at planning, they might develop something unexpected. Mont-d’Or swears he won’t allow it, contacts the Tartes and tells them all to go to Cocoa Island and put an end to the Straw Hats. Out at sea, Bege calls out to Perospero, and the former says that he will end Big Mom’s hunger pangs with the cake, pointing out that Pudding did it. Still suspicious that the Fire Tank Pirates will try to assassinate Big Mom again, Perospero tells Bavarois that their fleet will pursue Big Mom and Bege while Smoothie’s fleet continues to pursue the Straw Hats. Perospero contacts Smoothie to tell her of this plan, saying that her fleet should sink the Straw Hats before they reach Cacao Island. Smoothie, her sisters Citron and Cinnamon, and her subordinates then prepare to attack.

While sailing away from Big Mom, Bege says that he cares more about escaping than killing Big Mom, but Chiffon reminds him that they have a debt to pay to the Straw Hats, and therefore must protect them from Big Mom. Meanwhile, the Sunny crew learn from Sanji that the Big Mom Pirates know about their plan to go to Cocoa Island, and although they are on track to get there in time, their situation is made worse when Smoothie’s ship arrives and confronts them. However, Sanji gets the idea to save Luffy from the Big Mom Pirates’ guaranteed island lockup. Dozens of Tarte ships arrive at Cacao Island to lay siege to it; the people who arrive are skeptical that so much power is needed, and some don’t even believe that Luffy will escape Katakuri and the Mirror World, but Oven directs them to Mont-d’Or, who tells them about the Straw Hats through Den Den Mushi. Responsibility for the destruction of the castle. Oven tells his crew to destroy every mirror on Cocoa Island so that if Luffy arrives, he will come from the lone mirror left right in front of them. People are reluctant to destroy their precious mirrors, but Oven says they can throw them into the water and threaten to kill the families of anyone who doesn’t comply.

Back in the mirror world, Katakuri stands over a motionless Luffy, lamenting how the pirate wavered when he began to respect him. However, Luffy is still alive and remembers training his Kenbunshoku Haki with Silvers Rayleigh. A blindfolded Luffy celebrated dodging one of Rayleigh’s punches, saying that it looked like he was imagining the attack. Rayleigh replied that Kenbunshoku Haki is an extension of the imagination, but Luffy needs to develop it to become instinctive. Luffy then wakes up and stands up, much to Katakuri and Flamp’s surprise. Flampe tries to attack Luffy again and fires a numbing needle ten times stronger than the previous one. Luffy manages to see it coming and avoid it, but ends up falling, causing Flampe and her subordinates to laugh uncontrollably. Despite their attempts to subdue it, Katakuri eventually overhears them and begins to realize that he and Luffy are not alone.

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