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The Fire Tank Pirates set aside the wedding cake on Funwari Island and the Big Mom Pirates eagerly wait for Big Mom to eat it. Meanwhile, Sanji and Luffy return to the Thousand Sunny. The Judge leaves the fleet of the Germ Kingdom to engage the pursuing fleet of the Big Mom Pirates, but the Straw Hats are confronted by an even more formidable fleet before them. However, the Sun Pirates arrive to support their former captain Jinbe until he and the Straw Hats get out of Totto Land.

After escaping Cocoa Island, Sanji and Luffy fly through the air towards the Thousand Sunny, but must avoid cannon fire from the Big Mom pirate fleet. They eventually reach the Sunny and are embraced by their crew members. The crew is excited to learn that Luffy defeated Katakuri, and Chopper goes to work fixing Luffy’s injuries, leaving Sanji to deal with his own injuries for later. However, the Straw Hats aren’t quite clear yet as Smoothie and Daifuku’s fleet approaches them and harasses them with cannon fire.

In the destroyed Peanuts Town on Nuts Island, the citizens and their minister, Amande, work to rescue anyone in danger from the rubble. Along with the citizens of several other islands of Totto Land, they fear what might happen to them if the rampage of Big Mom’s desire is not stopped. Meanwhile, the Fire Tank Pirates reach Funwari Island and place the wedding cake on the shore, but are forced to watch as Prometheus engulfs Nostra Castello in flames and destroys it. Bege then prepares to leave his crew, but Chiffon insists on staying until the cake is eaten, saying that it is her responsibility as Minister of Puff to watch over this island. Big Mom jumps down from Prometheus and eagerly stands in front of the cake, and Mont-d’Or contacts Perospero to ask about her condition. Bavarois reveals that Perospero collapsed due to leaving the stump on his arm untreated for too long, and a weakened Perospero tells Mont-d’Or that the cake was left for Big Mom. He says there are three possible outcomes: Big Mom dies of poisoning, she doesn’t like the cake and continues to binge, or she likes the cake and her craving stops. If anything other than the third option happens, everyone on Totto Land will die. Mont-d’Or then realizes that Stussy and Morgans are gone and orders them to be found immediately, not wanting the world to find out if the worst case scenario occurs. When Chiffon is convinced that the cake will satisfy Big Mom, Bege tells Vito and Gotti to look for a ship to escape with while he and the rest of the crew watch the cake being eaten.

Near Cacao Island, Sunny continues to be attacked by Smoothie and Daifuku’s fleet, but the Germa Kingdom fleet arrives to provide support. As the Straw Hats pass the Germ capital ship, Judge calls out to Luffy, asking why he values ​​Sanji when his body and mind have flaws that prevent him from becoming a perfect soldier. However, Luffy does not understand that this is a question and simply says goodbye to the Judge before asking his crew why the Judge mentioned good qualities about Sanji. The crew then quickly find themselves in trouble again when they see another huge fleet of Big Mom pirates approaching them from the front. This new fleet consists of paddle ships that are able to quickly close in on their target, and when the crew is forced to deal with their new onslaught, Smoothie’s ship comes close enough from behind that Daifuku can attack Sunny with his genie. Sanji deflects the genie’s attacks, but Sunny is a sitting duck as she is surrounded by hundreds of ships. However, the sea suddenly begins to rise beneath the fleet, and Wadatsumi sends many ships flying into the distance as they head out of the water. Jinbe immediately dives underwater where he sees his former crew, the Sun Pirates. He wonders why they have come back to help and declares that they will serve him until he and the Straw Hats get out of Totto Land.

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