
Sanji learns of Pedro’s death when the Straw Hats successfully set sail from Totto Land, and when she hears the news on Cocoa Island, Pudding breaks down in tears and remembers her memories with Sanji.

In the mirror world, Brûlée tends to Katakuri’s injuries. She reveals that she knows he was lying on his back before and built up his invulnerable image to protect his siblings after she was attacked as a child.

Jinbe, the Sun Pirates, and Germa 66 prepare to retreat from Cocoa Island, but are stopped by the arrival of Big Mom. Meanwhile, Sanji goes back to work and cooks food for his crew, and as he does so, his father Zeff serves up some rowdy pirates in Baratie.

As the Thousand Sunny sails through the calm ocean, Sanji discovers that Pedro has died. He is surprised to hear this and remembers their first meeting on Zou when the jaguar mink begged him to save Inuarashi and Nekomamushi from dying after Jack’s attack. Carrot tells him not to feel bad because this is what Pedro wanted and without his sacrifice they wouldn’t have made it out alive. She then starts sobbing and Sanji comforts her. Chopper is tending to Luffy’s injuries when cotton candy starts falling, which the crew takes as a sign that they are almost out of Totto Land.

A battle between the Sun Pirates, Germa 66, and Big Mom Pirates rages on Cacao Island, and Jinbe enters the fray as he attacks the Big Mom Pirates’ ships. Pudding remains camped out in an alley in Chocolat Town, crying as she holds a roll of film in her hands. She remembers how she was once prepared to trick and kill Sanji during their wedding, serving as Big Mom’s pawn, though her mother often made rude remarks about her third eye, which she had been bullied for since childhood. This made Sanji compliment her third eye, which Pudding intended to use to stun him with revulsion during their wedding, bringing her to tears. In the final moments of their time together on Cocoa Island, Pudding kissed Sanji, but immediately erased his memories of the event, leaving him wondering what her request was when she ran away. Now she is alone with the scroll of Sanji’s memories.

On Whole Cake Island, Mont-d’Or tries to call Perospero to find out where Big Mom is, but fails and receives a call from Cocoa Island. The call reveals that a stray Territorial Sea Slug picked up Sunny on the edge of Totto Land, meaning they’ve successfully escaped Big Mom’s pirate territory. Mont-d’Or’s group reacts with alarm, and after hearing this news, Jinbe, the Sun Pirates, and Germa 66 back out of the battle on Cocoa Island and prepare to retreat. However, everyone sees Big Mom arrive on the scene and the Sun Pirates and Germa prepare to take her. Jinbe wants to stay alive, but the Big Mom Pirates’ crushing attack on their enemies is renewed as they celebrate the arrival of their captain. When Big Mom reaches Cocoa Island, she asks her enemies if they will give her life or die.

In the mirror world, Brûlée goes to the defeated Katakuri and begins treating his wounds. She asks him why he got up and fell on his back after originally falling forward, and Katakuri admits that his reputation of never laying on his back is a lie. Brûlée reveals that she knows because she saw him through the mirrors, but she doesn’t think any less of him because she knows that Katakuri took on his invulnerable form to protect his siblings. When Katakuri were kids, he liked to eat donuts with his massive mouth on full display, and if anyone made fun of it, he would just beat them up. However, one day he found out that the people he beat up had given Brûlée a blow across her face in revenge, and even though Brûlée insisted that he was fine as he was, Katakuri couldn’t handle his sister getting hurt because of him. Katakuri put on a scarf to cover his mouth with Mogura and went to take down Brûlée’s attackers. In the present, Katakuri questions what happened to Luffy. Brûlée reveals that he escaped from Totto Land, and as she expected, Katakuri smiles at the news.

In the seas outside of Totto Land, Luffy remarks that he is hungry. Sanji asks him if he wants him to cook something and Luffy, Chopper, Brook and Carrot are ecstatic. As Sanji begins to cook, a group of rowdy pirates come to Baratia and demand food. The cooks are displeased and hesitant to serve them, but Zeff immediately gets down to cooking. Sanji and Zeff both comment that everyone will get hungry, so they cook to serve everyone who wants food.

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