
After defeating Holed’em, Luffy grabs Tama and flees the scene. As she escapes, she encounters Speed ​​and is tamed by Tama. They then catch up with Zoro, Kiku, and Komachiyo as the latter three run off with a stolen food cart.

Meanwhile, Law fights Hawkins, but their fight is interrupted when a food cart drives past them. After jumping on the food cart, Law admonishes Zoro for his group’s actions.

Luffy defeats Holed’em, knocking him to the ground, then takes Tama and runs away. Zoro, Kiku, and Komachiyo also flee on Speed’s food cart. Speed ​​sends soldiers to chase them.

Luffy is cornered by the angry citizens, but easily defeats them. He jumps on Speed’s back, mistaking her for a real horse. Although Speed ​​is hostile towards Luffy, Tama uses her Devil Fruit ability to create mochi and feed it to Speed, taming her. Speed ​​immediately begins to follow Tamina’s orders, running away and helping them escape. Luffy finds Zoro’s cart and hops on, but leaves to deal with “the most important thing.”

Meanwhile, Law confronts Hawkins on the street, masked by a gladiator helmet. Law declares a battle and Hawkins immediately recognizes Law based on his “Peace” move and hand tattoos. Law charges at Hawkins, but Hawkins redirects the damage to other underlings.

Law fights fiercely against Hawkins. However, Hawkin calls out that Luffy has defeated Holed’em and Jack is informed. Then Zoro’s food cart arrives and Law jumps in. Law blames Zoro for brutally provoking a fight with Kaidou’s men.

The anime adds the following:
Luffy fends off some attackers before jumping on Speed.
Speed ​​briefly refuses to eat Tamino’s kibi dango.
Law tries to use the Injection Shot on Hawkins.
After cutting down Hawkins’ men, Law uses Tact to throw them at Hawkins.
Before they reached Law near the entrance to Bakura City, Luffy, Tama, and Speed ​​also hopped onto the food cart. After eating a piece of meat, Luffy leaves the cart to get something.

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