
Kin’emon explains to Luffy’s group about the past, such as Kozuki Oden bringing order to Kuri, the day of his demise, and Toki sending the group of Kin’emons and Momonosuke to the future.

Luffy and his friends are shaken after Kin’emon informs them that he and his fellow samurai traveled through time from Wan, two decades ago. Kin’emon enlightens them and begins to tell the history of the kingdom, as well as Momonosuke’s father, Kozuki Oden.

Many years ago, the Flower Capital was ruled by Kozuki Sukiyaki. Oden was an unruly ronin who was banished from the city for his violent tendencies. Oden was free to move wherever he wanted and came upon the lawless region of Wano, a valley infamous for its brutality and desecration by the day. A young Oden appeared on the scene and subdued the mass of bandits and other troublemakers that swarmed the village. He tried to challenge the crime boss, Ashur Doji, to a duel. After reaching the top, the bandit horde recognized Oden as their new leader. Oden then put his subordinates to work, rebuilding the village, growing crops, bridging communities, and bringing new life to the region that became the city of Bakura today. With Sukiyaki’s appointment, Oden became daimyo of Kuri, despite his rowdy behavior.

Meanwhile, Inuarashi also remembers Oden, recalling the time when his younger self, along with Nekomamushi, were castaways on the shores of Kuri. Oden rescued the duo from persecution at the hands of the locals and took them under his wing. Inuarashi weeps for his master’s passing kindness and praises that Oden’s heroism was respected by Whitebeard himself and even Gol D. Roger.

Zoro wins a fight with a giant tiger when a nearby fishing pier catches his attention. As the samurai lament the memories of their lost master, the straw pirates seethe with anger directed at the beast pirates and the scheming Orochi. On the night of the rebellion 20 years ago, Oden fought to the last breath before finally succumbing to his executioners. Kin’emon, Kanjuro, Raizo, Kiku, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi fled the scene of their execution and headed to Oden’s castle to rescue Oden’s children and his wife Kozuki Toki. Two Norwegians were tragically detained, but the samurai did not have time to look back. They were closing in on the burning castle and cutting through the monstrous attackers.

Oden’s castle was on the verge of collapse, but the four samurai arrived to find Toki, Momonosuke, and his sister alive, trapped in the fire. To his shock, Toki rejected Kin’emon’s attempt to help her escape. She ordered the four of them to fly away with Momonosuke and go to the future. Without much time to explain, Toki claimed that she had Toki Toki no Mi powers and that she had the ability to send them forward. She had used this power on herself many times before, but decided she had to surrender to fate then and there. Although Kin’emon didn’t fully understand, he vowed that he and the other samurai would avenge the Kozuki family and restore justice to the Wano Oden who work tirelessly to forge. Momonosuke calls out for his mother, and without warning, he and the four samurai appear above the burnt remains of the castle in the sudden light of day.

Witnessing the sight of their own graves and discovering the massive industrialization of the land they once knew, Kin’emon and the others came to terms with the fact that they had indeed traveled to the future. They were unpleasantly informed about the sorry state of the kingdom and how Oden’s legacy was being maligned by hateful propaganda. However, in the midst of all these unfortunate changes, Kin’emon discovered that there was a collection of citizens who remained loyal to Oden and offered to help defend the honor of the Kozuki family.

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