
As the Big Mom Pirates approach Wano Country, Kaidou’s underlings try to get rid of them. Meanwhile, in the Flower Capital, another member of the Beasts Pirates, Page One, attacks every soba restaurant in the city looking for Sanji.

Orochi is holding a banquet at his mansion as a pre-party for the upcoming Fire Festival. He tells his subjects to dance and drink.

Just beyond Wano Country, Kaidou’s cannons attempt to sink Big Mom’s ship, but fail. Big Mom’s ship passes through seven lines of defense, so the Queen prepares a final defense. However, Big Mom breaks through the defense line with her Ikoku attack and breaks Queen’s line of sight. Big Mom’s ship is now climbing the waterfall into the ground. In response, Kaidou declares all-out war against the Big Mom Pirates.

King decides to be proactive. He uses his Ancient Zoan powers to transform into a Pteranodon. He flies off to Big Mom’s ship and pushes the ship back down to the waterfall. Big Mom then falls overboard into the hot tub and drowns because she can’t swim.

The first page goes through the capital of flowers in his spinosaur form, going on a rampage and destroying reindeer shops. Having to avoid capture by the pirate Beasts, Sanji escapes. However, when Sanji hears the cries of the terrorized citizens, he rushes to confront Page One. He pulls out his ambush suit, ready to fight.
The final screen of this episode “To Be Continued” sparkles and fades out.
The anime adds the following:
Luffy learned from Raizo that Tama was fine.
Scenes of the Big Mom Pirates breaching the Beasts Pirates defense lines.
The Queen watches the Big Mom Pirates on a monitor and gives orders.
The King leaves Onigashi to deal with the Big Mom Pirates and transforms into his Zoan form.
The Big Mom Pirates notice the king before they reach the top of the waterfall and Galette tries to shoot him down.
When King intervened, Big Mom was shown to be standing on one of the giant carp before it slipped and fell into the vortex.
The scene where Usopp and Franky run into Sanji and Law.
Franky put on a new hairstyle to hide his face.
The first page punches a hole in the reindeer shop looking for Sanji.
In the manga, Kaidou questions Big Mom’s crew and attacks his subordinates due to the threat of all-out war. In the anime, he remains more composed and seems ready for war. His remark about the war was also met with cheers from his subordinates.
The anime shows Sanji using the Diable Jamble to kick Page One down, while in the manga he used a normal kick.

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