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Due to a leak, allies with the Kozuki family are arrested in the flower capital. During an argument with Shinobu, Law plans to save his crew.

Meanwhile, on Oihagi Bridge, Zoro continues to clash with Kamaz. Due to Gyukimaru’s interference, Kamazo hits Zoro. However, Zoro manages to turn the tide of the battle and defeats Kamazo.

Kin’emon is informed that their symbol of rebellion has somehow leaked. At this point, Orochi’s men set out to arrest everyone with an inverted crescent moon tattoo on their ankle.

In sumo inferno, Luffy is pitted against Bearman, a bear-like SMILE fruit user with a solid body who easily takes Luffy’s punches without getting hurt. Luffy charges his Haki fist again and punches Bearman in the chest, knocking him down and defeating him.

The flower capital mourns Komurasaki’s alleged death. Orochi was the most affected, crying as his love interest was killed right in front of him. Kyoshiro says that killing her was necessary because he had to devastate Orochi. He reveals that he has a leaflet about the rebellion hidden in his robes.

Sanji’s group returns to Ebisu City, where he is beaten up for breaking into a spa. Blaming the others for potentially jeopardizing the operation, Shinobu accuses Bep of telling Orochi’s men about the symbol. Kanjuro tells her to stop blaming the humans because the operation will fail without them. Tonoyasu then enters stating that the symbol of rebellion has permeated the entire capital.

Zoro continues his fight against the slasher Hitokiri Kamaz. At one point, Kamazo gets the upper hand and stabs Zoro in the shoulder. However, he cannot remove the scythe from Zoro’s wound and Zoro now has a third sword to use. With three swords, Zoro quickly defeats Kamazo, leaving him unconscious in the snow. Gyukimaru decides to leave with his weapons as he doesn’t want to fight Zoro. Zoro collapses into the snow after being injured.
This is the last episode to use OVER THE TOP as the opening theme.
The anime adds the following:
Luffy fights a bear SMILE user.
Yasuie found Kin’emon’s secret message.
Orochi mourning Komurasaki’s “death” and one of Orochi’s subordinates explaining a secret message.
Other scenes of Zora’s clash with Kamaz.

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