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Zoro confronts Kyoshiro and Sanji confronts the X Dragon while Usopp takes Toko to safety. Orochi Oniwabanshu arrives to confront the Straw Hat Pirates.

Law arrives at the Rasetsu prison to rescue his captured crewmates, but is confronted by Hawkins.

In Udon, Queen subjects Kid and Killer to water torture as she continues Sumo Inferno. However, Big Mom arrives at the Prison Mines.

Zoro continues his fight with Kyoshira and Sanji with Drake. However, Orochi Oniwabanshu appears. With the help of Hawkins, the ninjas identified them as members of the Straw Hat Pirates. The ninjas scatter and all attack the Straw Hats.

Meanwhile at Udon, Kid and Killer are being tortured. They are hung upside down and lowered into a barrel of water. Queen then officially resumes the sumo match with a new rule added: as long as Luffy and Hyo remain in the ring, Kid and Killer remain submerged underwater. Luffy demands that Queen come to the ring, but he refuses.

Back in the capital, Law confronts Hawkins in prison and searches for Bep. However, Hawkins’ Devil Fruit ability allows him to redirect damage onto his captive. Therefore, Law would have to kill his own three subordinates before he could harm Hawkins.

Sanji continues to fight Drake. However, Hiyori screams as the ninjas attack her, so Sanji decides to end the battle quickly so he can save her. He defeats Drake with his “Extra Hachis” move and pummels him with fiery kicks. Hiyori then goes to help, but Zoro arrives first and takes her to safety.

Outside the prison, Big Mom finally arrives at the gate, ready to collect her red bean soup.
The anime adds the following:
When the Orochi Oniwabanshu arrives, Kyoshiro disappears in a cloud of smoke.
Nami, Robin, and Usopp are briefly confronted by the Oniwabanshu before Brook steps in.
Hawkins points his sword at Law before using his powers to inflict a wound on his arm.
After Zoro saves Hiyori, Fujin tries to attack Zoro with an aerial attack.
When Luffy tries to hit Queen, Luffy hardens his arm.
The following are expanded:
Zoro’s fight with Kyoshira.
Sanji’s fight with Drake.
Hawkin’s next dialogue after he reveals to Law that he used his powers on Shachi, Penguin and Bepo.
When Hawkins demonstrates his powers to Law in the manga, there were other prisoners with Shachi and Penguin.
When Sanji notices Hiyori in danger, he overpowers Drake with Diable Jambe attacks. In the manga, Sanji merely ran away from him.
When Zoro saves Hiyori, he slashes the Raijin in the manga. In the anime, Zoro just pushes Raijin away.
When Luffy told Queen that Kid had nothing to do with him, Queen did one of his dances in the manga.

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