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Luffy, Law, and Kid join the Akazaya samurai as they begin blowing up Kaidou’s troop ship.

Although the arrival of the Straw Pirates, Heart Pirates, and Child Pirates was unexpected, the Beasts Pirates are still confident when they fire their cannons. Usopp and Zoro repel the attack. Meanwhile, back at Tokage Port, Kanjuro is surprised to see that the pirates are present, reporting to Orochi about the changes to Kin’emon’s plan.

Earlier, the two Gifters bombarded the Thousand Sunny on Orochi’s orders. The straw men who were in the village of Amigasa heard the explosion on the shore. Fortunately, the ship was built of durable wood and was not damaged by the explosion. However, the sails were burnt and had to be repaired.

The Gifters then reveal how they prevented the rest of the Allies from reaching Tokage Port; they bombed the ships anchored in the harbor as well as all the connecting bridges. The Gifters also reveal that the Beasts Pirates have formed an alliance with the Big Mom Pirates. Feeling satisfied, they decided to continue firing the cannons.

Luffy, Law and Kid board the enemy ship. They get into an argument over who should destroy the ship. Together, all three captains proceed to destroy the ship. Luffy defeats Gifter the eagle and Law takes out Gifter the butterfly.

Soon, Kyoshiro and his family arrive on the ship, ostensibly to take down the allied ships. However, instead he decided to hack the Beasts Pirates ship, cutting it in half and sinking it.

The anime adds the following:
The Beasts Pirates attempt to fire cannons at Sunny. Zoro and Usopp deflect the attacks and damage the enemy ship.
Franky shot at three SMILE users who were ordered to blow up Sunny. In the manga, Franky was unaware of who tried to blow up the ship.
Flashback to the day before the raid, the Straw Hats hear an explosion on Sunny.
Luffy noticed Kanjura on the shore and wondered what he was doing.
The three SMILE users try to attack the Straw Hats before they are stopped by Nami, Robin and Sanji.
A group of Penguin, Shachi, Bepo and Shishilian stop the enemy fire against the Pochevs.
Usopp, Chopper, and Carrot complain about Big Mom and Kaido’s alliance
The anime expands on the following:
Beast Pirates taunting Sheaths.
Luffy, Kid and Law fight against an enemy ship.
An instrumental version of OVER THE TOP is also used in this scene.
The anime changed the following:
In the manga, Kid uses Punk Rotten against an enemy ship, but in the anime, he uses Punk Vise.

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