
When the alliance and the Kid Pirates reach Onigashima, Kin’emon uses his powers to disguise the allies as the Beasts Pirates. He then gives a speech to the samurai to use their disguises to enter the castle for the final battle.

Kid and Luffy race to Onigashima, with Jinbe controlling the Thousand Sunny. Meanwhile, Raizo informs about the plan. Kid and Luffy would enter through the front gate as decoys, while Kin’emon and Denjiro would each lead another group of decoys down the mountain path. At the start of the plan, Kin’emon sets sail while the Heart Pirates go underwater in their submarine.

The allies enter to find Onigashi brightly lit, with guards at the banquet and unprepared for enemy attacks. Usopp knocks out several drunk guards on patrol, allowing the others to exit safely. However, he destroys their return ships, making it impossible for them to escape if they had to. They split into their two bait groups.

Kin’emon uses the Devil Fruit technique, “Kin-chan Gofukuten”, to create a gate that gives disguises. Kid, Killer, and the Straw Hats go through the gate and disguise them all as beast pirates. Kin’emon warns that if the disguises are damaged or removed, they will transform back into normal clothing. He delivers his final remarks before moving on.
The anime adds the following:
Yeah, Tetsu and Hanji are participating in the raid under Hyogoro’s command.
Sanji’s reaction when Robin calmly declines his offer to ride the Brachio Tank V.
The following are expanded:
Straw Hats with their Beast Pirates disguises.

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