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One Piece Manga Chapter 143

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Dr. Hiriluk learns that he is going to die and Chopper searches for a mushroom that can cure him.
Dr. Hiriluk from Dr. Kurehy learns what he already knows: he is on the verge of death. Infected with a strong bacteria, it will not live more than three or four days. However, this is not enough to complete the research he has done over the last 30 years – a cure for any disease. He begs Kureha to give him more time so he can complete the cherry blossom miracle. Kureha mocks him, telling him that his one-time cure, which he believes will help him as a thief, will not cure Drum Island, as the man in the story was actually Hiriluk himself.
While arguing with Hiriluk, Dr. Kureha notices Chopper spying on them from the window. Realizing that Hiriluk was only chasing him so he wouldn’t see his only friend die, Chopper set out on a journey to help the sick doctor.
After a week of hard fighting, he returns to the doctor’s fake lab with the Amiudake mushroom in hand. While giving the mushroom to Hiriluk, Chopper asks him to live and teach him how to become a doctor.

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