One Piece Manga Chapter 153

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Kureha objects to Chopper’s decision to leave the castle. However, the team set off with Chopper after he was chased away by Kureha. As the team escapes, Kureha uses Hiriluka’s special “red dirt” to create a sakura effect to drive Chopper away.
The Straw Hat Pirates are ready to take off, just waiting for Chopper and Dr. Kureha to say goodbye. But when Chopper reveals to Kureh that he has decided to become a pirate, she does not accept it. Enraged by what she sees as his selfish behavior after all she’s done for the young reindeer, she starts chasing him to make him stay, praying he won’t believe Hiriluka’s hopeless dreams. With no choice but to run, Chopper mounts Dr. Kureha’s sled and rushes towards the Straw Hats, who have no choice but to jump into them and speed away.
Chopper descends down the Drum Ropeway and has sad feelings, he doesn’t know if he should believe Dr. Kure or believe in Hiriluk who gave him hope with his research and made him discover the world.
At the castle, Dr. Kureha reveals her true feelings to Dalton, hates the sad goodbye, and gives Chopper a nice goodbye. The preparations she asked the villagers are now complete and she asks them to fire a cannon aimed at the sky. The noise of the cannons wakes up the whole island, which at first feared the possible return of Wapolo. A wonderful sight appears. The cannons, filled with Dr. Hiriluk’s pink powder, color the snow and cover the island with Sakura’s miraculous aura. Chopper tearfully watches the show crash with his new friends. His doubts disappeared and he is grateful for the two doctors who helped him.

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