The Straw Hat Pirates begin their journey to the Crocodile’s home in Rainbase, while Koz’s rebel army prepares to attack Alubarna. However, King Nefertari Cobra receives Vivi’s letter revealing Crocodile’s betrayal, and instead of defending Alubarna against the rebels, decides that the royal army will attack Rainbase and overthrow Crocodile.
Vivi shows the Straw Hat Pirates a map of Rainbase where the Crocodile lives. He says it will take a day to get there from Yuba and that it’s a city of gambling, which excites Nami. They are interrupted by Luffy and Usopp fighting over their water, with Luffy refusing to let this hard-earned water be used up right away. The group then heads to Rainbase. As they walk, Vivi thanks Luffy for encouraging her to go in this direction, and Luffy demands that he be fed in return after he defeats the Crocodile, to which Vivi happily agrees.
In Katorea, a young shoeshine boy named Kappa begs Koza to let him join the rebel army, but Koza refuses. He has Farafra show Kappa his missing forearm and asks Kappa if he wants to see the hospital and cemetery. Kappa replies that he is not afraid of any of this and wants to fight the king in a town near Erumal, which is also soon to dry up, for the sake of his sick friend. However, Koza says that Kappa’s goals are the opposite of the army’s because none of them want to fight, but were forced to. He then yells at the boy to go home. Later, the rebel asks Koza if something is going on because it’s not like yelling at a child. The goat replies that he was exactly like Kappa years ago and it made him sick. He asks about the weapons they retrieved and hears that the effort was not extremely successful as the royal army prevented them from getting to the warehouse. Koza tells them to tell the rebels in all the cities that once all the weapons are ready, they will launch an attack on Alubarna.
At Alubarna Palace, Nefertari Cobra refuses Pell and Chaka’s request to launch a direct attack on the rebel army, saying that taking action against them without understanding the cause of the unrest would tear the country apart. He says that their real enemy is the figure who is responsible for the Dance Powder, and Chaka replies that it may be too late for the country to find that person, but Cobra refuses to back down. Pell and Chaka later sit together, and Pell notes that soon they won’t be able to keep their soldiers in line. He wishes Igaram was here, but Chaka is convinced that he and Vivi are working to help the country. A messenger then arrives and tells them that the Karoo has arrived. As Karoo uses up water after his long journey, Cobra, Pell and Chaka read Vivi’s letter and learn that the Crocodile is behind the unrest in the country as well as Igarama’s death. Chaka notices the bandages on Karoo’s wing and asks if he is injured, but Karoo refuses to let him examine. Cobra then orders Chaka to prepare a military campaign to attack Rainbase and Crocodile. However, Pell warns against this, saying that Rainbase is too far away for their forces to covertly reach, and that attacking a public hero like Crocodile would only create more hatred and rebellion against them. However, Cobra doesn’t care what happens to them, saying that the humans would rebuild the country if the Crocodile fell, while fighting the rebels would do nothing but help the Warlord. He orders Chak to gather his officers and Pell to scout the enemy’s location and says that their forces will leave tomorrow morning. There are 17 hours left until the start of Operation Utopia of Baroque Works.