Straw Hats are finally coming to Rainbase. Unfortunately, while buying water, Luffy and Usopp run into Smoker and Tashigi. The Marine Captain was suspicious of Crocodile’s activities and decided to come to Rainbase as well. The hunt for pirates begins. Driven away by the Marines, the Straw Hat Pirates (except for Chopper, who has gone on a personal break) decide to split up and meet at Crocodile’s Casino. After the chase, Luffy, Usopp, Nami and Zoro arrive at the casino followed by Smoker. Meanwhile, Sanji fights the marines and Vivi is alone in an unknown location.
With one hour left in Operation: Utopia, the straw pirates arrive at Rainbase while Usopp gives Nami her new weapon: the Clima-Tact, prompting Sanji to remark that Nami and Vivi don’t need weapons and that all they need is him. . He then asks them to call him Mr. Prince, causing Zoro to mock him as Mr. Prince, much to Sanji’s annoyance. Vivi then comments that the Baroque Cannon agents probably know they are there and that they should be careful. Frustrated pirates debate what to do when they encounter baroque works.
At Rainbase, Smoker and Tashigi are at the bar. Smoker says he senses something is going to happen at Rainbase as Luffy and Usopp comically arrive demanding water. As the two pair recognize each other, Luffy and Usopp comically spit their water on Smoker and Tashigi before fleeing the bar.
The rest of the Straw Pirates wait for Luffy and Usopp as they see the pair running towards them with Smoker and Tashigi in pursuit. Nami yells at the pair not to run to them, and Vivi worries about Chopper, but Zoro tells her not to worry about him. The Marines notice the Straw Hat Pirates and start chasing them as well. Unfortunately, this causes several Baroque Works agents to notice the events and recognize the straw pirates. Luffy then tells them all to meet at Croc’s house. Smoker decides to chase Luffy while Sanji decides not to run but to fight just like Zoro, but runs at the sight of Tashigi. Meanwhile, Usopp and Nami are chased by several members of Baroque Works, but manage to lose them to run into another group, but are quickly defeated by Zoro, who appears. All the Straw Hats then appear in front of the Raindinners and enter them while being chased by marines. The crocodile, informed of this, is delighted.