With all the other pirates defeated, Buggy and Luffy prepare to fight. Luffy asks about Buggy’s connection to Shanks, but Buggy scoffs at him. Each fighter’s ability gives them an edge over the others and the onlookers are too scared to enter such a dangerous battle. Finally, Buggy hit Luffy’s hat, infuriating the young pirate. Buggy realizes whose hat it is and starts targeting it specifically, revealing that he was Shanks’ comrade. Luffy refuses to believe it and lands a powerful punch in return.
Buggy confirms that the “Red-Hair” he mentioned was Shanks. Luffy demands that he tell him where Shanks is. Buggy suggests that he may know where Shanks is, but Luffy calls him an idiot for saying that. Buggy loses his temper and asks him if he can deflect knives, but Luffy automatically confirms that he can’t.
With that, Buggy attacks and Luffy jumps to avoid him. When Buggy sees Luffy in the air, he points out that Luffy is now powerless because he can’t fly like Buggy. However, when he attacks, Luffy reaches out for the lampost and moves out of the way. As Buggy’s attack flies by, Luffy hits a long fist at Buggy who dodges and tells Luffy that his strength is also his weakness and that he has now left himself open. He doesn’t notice that Luffy’s punch continued and that he grabbed the window ledge. He uses the ledge to launch another attack, which Buggy again dodges.
Luffy stumbles into the ruins of the house behind him. After stealing the treasure, Nami watches the fight from afar. Some members of Buggy’s crew decide to pretend they are still unconscious rather than risk being killed if they get involved in the fight. Buggy launches another attack and extends his three knife arm. Luffy grabs him, but Buggy separates his hand from the attacking arm to counter. Luffy dodges but is hit in the side of the face by one of the knives. The blow then pierces Luffy’s straw hat.
Buggy taunts Luffy, thinking he’s upset about having his face cut. Luffy reveals that he is instead angry because that last attack damaged his hat. Seeing Luffy call the hat his treasure, Buggy pulls his hand back to him, the hat running through his knives. As Buggy picks up his hat, Luffy remembers the promise he made on the hat and runs after him. Hearing Luffy say that the hat belonged to Shanks, Buggy throws it to the ground and explains that he was once friends with Shanks. After Buggy spits on his hat, Luffy refuses to hear Buggy compare himself to Shanks and throws a furious punch. Buggy takes his head off laughing, but Luffy punches him in the stomach instead.