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Read One Piece Manga Chapter 199



Luffy and Pell manage to catch Vivi in ​​the air as she was falling to her death. Vivi tearfully tells Luffy that the main regiment’s soldiers have been defeated, the central square will be blown up, and that she can’t save her country, while Luffy comforts her, telling her that her voice reached them all right. Zoro and Nami, both injured from their fights, are seen running towards the square, Zoro carrying Nami despite his more serious injuries. Pell lands in front of the palace and tells Luffy to be careful, and Luffy replies that he won’t lose anymore after eating a ton of meat and his blood skyrocketing. Usopp, Chopper, Sanji, Zoro, and Nami, all noticing that Luffy has returned, all arrive at the front of the palace as Vivi expresses her relief that everyone is okay. Nami knocks Usopp to the ground for giving her so much trouble and asks him why she would think she would want a “party toy”. Usopp tells Chopper to bury his body in the wilderness while Sanji confronts Zoro about letting Nami get hurt. Apologizing to his crew for the loss, Luffy tells them it’s time to change everything and pulls himself up to the roof of the palace to confront the Crocodile.
Crocodile reminds Luffy that he can’t be touched, Luffy manages to punch the Warlord and knock the surprised Crocodile back while Luffy grabs him and uses Gomu Gomu no Buzzsaw. Cobra is surprised that Luffy was able to hit Crocodile when so many others couldn’t, while Miss All Sunday is visibly amazed. Crocodile then realizes how Luffy can touch him and points out that the giant barrel Luffy is carrying on his back is full of water. Luffy recalls that during their first encounter, he was able to grab Crocodile’s arm while it was covered in water, and deduces that water being Crocodile’s weakness is why he stole Arabasta’s rain. Luffy squirts more water into his fists and prepares to fight, telling Crocodile that their fight is just beginning.

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