Usopp’s pirates (without Usopp) approach the restaurant Tamanegi saw Usopp enter with the pirates and confront Luffy, Zoro and Nami about the fate of their captain. When the Usopp Pirates learned that Usopp had gone to “that place”, they told Luffy and the others about Usopp’s trips to Kay’s mansion to tell their stories in an attempt to help lighten her spirits. However, her butler Klahadore disapproves of Usopp’s interactions with Kaya, believing Usopp to be a bad influence for having pirate blood. Luffy’s group and Usopp’s Pirates arrive just in time to see Klahadore insult Usopp before Klahadore strikes and declares his pride in being the son of a pirate.
Piiman, Ninjin, and Tamanegi sneak across town to a restaurant where Zoro, Nami, and Luffy are eating. Fearing that their captain is being held hostage, they approach cautiously until they simply barge in and find Usopp gone. Seeing Luffy eating meat scares them and Zoro jokes that he just ate their captain. After things calm down, the Usopp pirates discover that Usopp has gone to visit the mansion where the sick girl lives. Apparently he goes there every day to lie and tell her stories.
At the mansion, butler Klahadore explains to his lady Kay that he won’t let Usopp in because of his lying. He explains that it is his duty to see that she is safe and sound on behalf of his late father, and mentions that there are two bodyguards at the front gate. Despite his best efforts, once Klahadore leaves, Usopp appears outside Kaya’s window, claiming that nothing can stop him. Usopp tells her a story about how he landed on the excrement of a giant goldfish thinking it was an island, making her laugh.
Back at the restaurant, the boys finish explaining to Luffy and the others why they like their captain, and Luffy announces that they will go to the mansion to request a ship and see Kaya.
After arriving at the mansion, Luffy climbs over the gate. After Merry tells Klahadore that there are intruders, he asks about the bodyguards and Merry says they are having lunch. As Usopp finishes his story about feeding the dwarf tribe to a giant goldfish, Luffy and Usopp’s pirates appear and greet him. Usopp tells Kay that they’ve heard how great he is and want to join him, but Luffy immediately says that’s a lie. When Luffy asks Kaya for the big ship, Klahadore shows up and demands to know what they are doing. Klahadore tells Luffy that he won’t get the ship and that they all have to leave.
Klahadore starts insulting Usopp because his father is a pirate and that as far as he’s concerned, all pirates are dirty. When he asks what Usopp wants from Kaya, money or something else, Kaya gets upset. He yells at Klahador to stop, but the butler continues to insult Usopp, telling him to use one of his usual lies instead of admitting that he is the son of a pirate. Usopp loses his temper and punches Klahadore for insulting his father, shouting that he is proud to be the son of a pirate.