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Read One Piece Manga Chapter 305


The old man who was knocked down earlier wakes up to see Usopp, Chopper and Luffy next to him. He greets them and asks if they are all right, and when the three pirates say they don’t know him, the man introduces himself as a nomad named Tonjit. He thanks them for helping him out of his abnormally long stilt. After being interrogated, he says that he wanted to make the tallest stilt in the world because of his fascination with them, and says that he got stuck for 10 years, causing Luffy to call him very stupid. Tonjit says that the bamboo stilt he made never stopped growing and that he managed to survive by eating fruit from the trees. He then explains how all the animals on the island are able to have such long bodies and points out some examples with some of the animals.
Tonjit goes inside his house to look for milk and suddenly realizes that his village is gone and so are their cattle. Tonjit gets some stored milk that has gone bad as “cheese” and when none of the Straw Hats choose to eat it, Tonjit does and gets food poisoning as a result. Tonjit then explains more about his tribe and the Long Ring Long Land. Usopp mentions that with the currents around the island, it will take Tonjit another 20 years to go around and finally reunite with his nomadic tribe. Tonjit says that with his horse it can only take 5 years. He then explains to Luffy that he doesn’t know any sailing, so even with a ship he can’t unite with his tribe before he can with a horse.
Tonjit then sees his horse Shelly outside and embraces the animal, grateful that it could stay loyal to him and wait for him for so long. He then decides to ride Shelly across the plains while Luffy, Usopp and Chopper look on. Tonjit says that he and Shelly will be able to cross the land bridge when the tide goes out, regardless of the weather when that happens. Shelly starts to think about how she stubbornly waited for Tonjit to come back and ignored what his tribe was telling her. Now reunited, Shelly suddenly leaps into the air for good luck.
A shot rings out and Shelly is knocked down, causing her master to fall. He and the Straw Hats rush in, fearing for her safety. Luffy looks around to see a shadowed group nearby and angrily asks who they are; are members of the Foxy Pirates: Captain Foxy and the Porche and Hamburg pirates. Luffy threatens to beat them and their captain begins to feel upset as Luffy doesn’t know who he is, though he quickly regains his confidence and introduces himself. Luffy lunges at him but stops when they recognize him and his crew.
Suddenly Foxy challenges Luffy to a Davy Back Fight and Luffy readily accepts. Usopp wonders what the Davy Back Fight is and remembers the incident with the missing crew from earlier. As he recalls, Usopp yells at Luffy not to accept the match because if they lose, they will also lose their friends.

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