Read One Piece Manga Chapter 362


Sanji is shocked to see so many people riding in the last cart and seems unconcerned by the fact that everyone is pointing guns at him. After witnessing him kicking one of their members, they immediately realize that he is no ordinary civilian and decide to tell Rob Lucci about him, but are stopped by Jerry, a member of CP6. However, he begins to attack, Sanji easily avoids them and ends up attacking the others in the carriage. Once he tries to attack Sanji again, Sanji easily knocks him down.
In the CP9 coach, Corgi explains that each coach has a representative, starting with the 7th car being Jerry. After that, T Bone is in the 5th car, Wanze is in the 4th, and the new CP9, Nero, is in the 3rd. He explains that despite not expecting any attacks, they have enough power to fight anything.
Back at Water 7, Nami finishes telling Chopper the news and the pair note that they can’t leave until they find Luffy and Zoro. The boatmen agree to help and begin searching the area the pair flew into. As they drive through the area, Paulie asks if Iceburg has been informed, and it is explained that two of them have returned to tell him the news. Two workers from the Blue Station are running around town looking for meat and sake to bring her.
As they continue their search, the boatmen notice that the ebb of the water is abnormal. Kokoro, watching with Chimney and Gonbe, notes that the amount of ebb will let you know the size of the wave to come. Everyone watches and notices that the sea has receded a lot, almost seeming dry, and Paulie checks that no one was still in the back alleys because they most likely won’t make it. When Nami arrives, Chimney notices something between the two houses, and after noticing how much of the ocean has receded, she notices that Luffy is what Chimney noticed. With that, she heads towards the buildings as the others try to tell her to stop, but she ignores them and keeps going.

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