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Read One Piece Manga Chapter 562



















The pacifist army advances towards the Whitebeard Pirates, over 20 in number. Everyone who isn’t a marine is surprised when the reporters in Sabaody try to reach their headquarters, while the civilians stare in awe at the outnumbered Bartholomew Kumas. Whitebeard Pirate says he’s heard rumors of Vegapunk developing a human weapon and occasionally sends prototypes to deal with various incidents.
Sentomaru reveals the marines’ plan, talks to Kizaru, and complains that the Whitebeard Pirates were everywhere. The pirate catches on to this and deduces that the Marines originally planned to corner the pirates using the Pacifist in the bay. This also reveals part of Whitebeard’s idea to scatter all his men around the bay. Still, Sengoku orders an attack and tells the pacifists to focus their attacks on the stragglers. Sentomaru gives the order to begin the attack, with the Pacifista blasting the pirates everywhere. One pirate tries to take out the pacifist with a gigantic club. He throws her down, but fails to dislodge the human weapon and his club breaks upon impact with the Pacifist’s chest.
Whitebeard orders his men in and tells them not to worry about the forces behind them. More men attempt to fight the Pacifist, but fail in the process. At Sabaoda, the images on the screens were cut out. This becomes part of Sengoku’s ultimate plan, which orders the start of the “route” and the start of Ace’s execution at the same time. Luffy notices this new change and rushes forward only to be greeted by Kizaru. The Admiral sends Luffy back. Luffy runs into Jinbe, who tells Luffy not to be surprised by the Admiral’s power. The man addresses Luffy as “Ace’s younger brother” and asks if his powers have run out. Jinbe recognizes him as the commander of the Whitebeard Pirates division. As usual, Kizaru doesn’t seem concerned, but merely comments that the situation was “scary”.
Moria comes to a division commander named Curiel and tells him that if they entered the bay, they would be dead and that one way or another, if Whitebeard were to die, it would be “hilarious”. Curiel simply replies that he wouldn’t let “Dad” (Whitebeard) or Ace die. Meanwhile, Vista is still fighting Mihawk in a sword fight. Mihawk states that the match should have ended and Vista agrees. Tashigi tells Smoker that they are done and moves on as Hancock prays for Luffy to complete his mission. However, somewhere on the battlefield, the real Kuma is still fighting. Sengoku asks if the video was interrupted and demands that it be cut since they were still broadcasting. The only working camera turns out to belong to an Impel Down refugee. The fugitives, trying to increase Buggy’s fame, publicly broadcast him as “Brother Redhead” or “Pirate of the legendary crew Gol D. Roger”. The Marines fire on the refugees and try to destroy the camera as they cannot continue the battle. The civilians demand more cameras and shout to show the execution of the Pacifists and Ace.
Squard appears aboard the Moby Dick, and Whitebeard asks if he was okay, as he was unreachable. Squard reports that the rear pirates have been badly hit, and Whitebeard responds by declaring that he will now join the fight. Squard thanks Whitebeard and tells the Emperor that he owes a great debt to Whitebeard’s pirates. On the ice, Marco looks surprised that Squard was aboard the Moby Dick. The next event will obviously shock everyone and possibly change the course of the war. The next event is: Squard stabs Whitebeard through the chest with his sword, leaving Whitebeard, Luffy, Ace, Jinbe, Marco, and Joza in shock.

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