Read One Piece Manga Chapter 810


During the invasion of Mokomo Duchy, Jack transformed back into his human form as his subordinates cheered him on. Nekomamushi warned the pirate that the Nork tribe had many skilled warriors and was about to leave when Inuarashi offered. Nekomamushi then told Bepo that he and the Heart Pirates didn’t have to fight, but Bepo refused because he wanted to protect his home. The Guardians then attacked the Beasts Pirates as Nekomamushi confronted Jack, and later the Inuarashi Musketeers unit took over again.
Back in the present, Wanda reveals that the battle went on for five days and five nights and they were unable to drive back Jack’s forces. The Norwegians eventually got the upper hand, but were never able to subdue Jack himself. Luffy expresses amazement that Kaidou’s right hand was so powerful, but Wanda reveals that Jack was equally unsuccessful in driving the minks back. However, on the fifth day, Jack pulled out Caesar Clown’s poison gas weapon and its effects were too quick for the Minks to avoid. The gas engulfed the entire town and half of the forest, and Jack and his henchmen once again searched for Raizo while killing the warriors. Jack then crucified Inuarashi, Nekomamushi and the strongest warriors of the land so they tell him where Raizo is, but they all remind him that they have no idea and beg him to stop as Jack tortures them.
However, Jack left the island the next day, leaving several subordinates behind, and Inuarashi reveals that after Jack’s obituary was published, they realized that Jack left to save Doflamingo. This meant that the Straw Hats who defeated Doflamingo were responsible for saving them. Chopper then reveals that his group arrived at Zou the next day.
The Curly Hat Pirates were stunned to see Zoa and decided to go up despite Caesar’s protests, forcing him to carry them up with his gas powers. However, their expedition was interrupted when Sheepshead pursued Tristan. Although confused as to how she could speak, Nami immediately realized that she was Sheepshead’s victim and quickly dragged her to safety. At Nami’s command, Brook froze the ground, causing Sheepshead’s steed to slip. Tristan was startled when she saw Brook and Momonosuke in dragon form, so she broke away from Nami and ran ahead. He then emerges into the city of Kurau and looks on in shock at the carnage there. Suddenly, Pedro calls the Curly Hats and begs them to heal Inuarashi and Nekomamushi as their injuries are fatal and they cannot be allowed to die.

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