While Shinobu and Momonosuke scare off Yamato, who claims to be Oden, and run away, Franky fires a Radical Beam to save Usopp and Chopper from one of the Numbers. Before Big Mom could attack Franky, Jinbe and Robin intervened and forced her off the living floor. Meanwhile, Queen stops Luffy and Zoro from going after Kaidou. Once Franky forms General Franky and Sanji recovers from his battle with King, all the Straw Hats gather on the living floor.
As a desperate Napoleon calls out for the fallen Big Mom, Nami thanks Franky for saving her and Jinbe asks Robin to help him. With Big Mom out of the way, Luffy continues on his way to the roof of the dome, and seeing Shinobu and Momonosuke running away from Yamato, Luffy assures them that Yamato is an ally. However, the duo is horrified when Yamato claims to be Oden, causing Shinobu to throw a smoke bomb to escape. Big Mom quickly stands up and the Beast Pirates start to run away, fearing that she will soon go on a rampage; Hyogoro and Yatappe then decide to leave the low-level pirate hordes and go after Tobiroppo, if only to slow them down. Big Mom recognizes Brook and Franky introduces himself to her. Nami tells Franky to back off because Big Mom is the Sea Emperor, but Franky laughs it off because they are the crew of the future Pirate King.
Franky prepares to fire a Radical Beam at Big Mom, but is then interrupted by the three Numbers rampaging behind him. Big Mom is excited to see the Numbers, which she says are failed renditions of the ancient giants from Punk Hazard. Franky notices that the Central Number, Jaki, is holding a Brachio Tank V, and immediately fires a Radical Beam into Jaki’s face, sending him back and forcing him to drop the tank. When Franky’s back is turned to her, Big Mom tries to hit him with the Napoleon. However, Jinbe jumps up and grabs her outstretched arm, pulling her behind to flip her over. Big Mom is sent tumbling onto the two rows of arms created from the floor by Robin, and Robin sends her spinning all the way over the ledge to the lower level. The success of their attack makes Jinbe and Robin happy, even though Jinbe knows it only angered Big Mom.
Franky contacts Usopp and Chopper in the Brachio Tank and Chopper snaps Usopp out of his terrified stupor as the duo excitedly realizes it’s time to dock. Meanwhile, Luffy has made it to the Performance Stage where the Queen is and is preparing to pull up to the roof of the dome. At that moment, Zoro appears next to Queen on the stage, and when Luffy tells him that he will fight Kaida, Zoro grabs his legs to escort him upstairs. However, Queen quickly transforms into her brachiosaur form and grabs Luffy and Zoro in the air with her mouth. King and several winged SMILE users then appear in the air above Queen and cut off any chance Luffy and Zoro have of getting to the roof. Queen spits the two pirates out to the ground far below. On the ground, Usopp and Chopper are ejected from the Brachio tank so it can dock with General Franky, while Sanji emerges from the wreckage of King’s attack with the raid suit holding back. As the Straw Hats gather, Hyogoro states that although the alliance is surrounded by enemies on all sides, he cannot imagine losing. Luffy tells his crew to back him up as he makes another attempt to reach the roof of the dome.