
Zoro and Sanji manage to save Toko. The swordsman directly attacks Orochi, who is protected by Kyoshiro, while Sanji fights the X Drake.

Franky rescues Zoro and manages to retrieve Yasui’s body, and the rest of the Straw Pirates join the fight.

In Udon, Luffy is helping the crew fight when two prisoners arrive: Kid and Kamazo, who turns out to be an assassin.

The samurai begin fighting with Zoro and Sanji, who easily overpower them. Zoro then sends a flying slash towards Orochi, but Kyoshiro deflects the attack. Kyoshiro decides to fight Zoro while Orochi rides back to the castle. X Drake then transforms into his allosaur form and attacks Sanji. The firing squad also fire their rifles at Zoro and Sanji, but Franky blocks the bullets with his cyborg body. Franky takes Yasuie’s body away. Usopp, Robin, and Nami also fight alongside him.

The Straw Hats decide to finish their battle at the gallows. Zoro fights Kyoshira, Sanji fights Drake, and Usopp, Robin, Franky, and Nami deal with the other soldiers.

Luffy cheers from the sumo ring in Udon. Just then Queen gets word that some criminals have arrived. Kamazo, who failed to assassinate Komurasaki, and Kid, who surrendered after his escape, enter the prison. Kid immediately recognized Kamaz as his own crew mate, Killer. Killer was somehow forced to eat the SMILE fruit and therefore can only express happiness.

Luffy, angry at Kid, calls out to Queen and continues the sumo match.
The anime adds the following:
As Hiyori wonders if Sanji is Zoro’s ally, Brook confirms that he is.
Before transforming into his dinosaur form, Drake was looking at Zoro and Sanji’s wanted posters, and Sanji told Drake not to call him Vinsmoke.
As Zoro tries to attack Orochi, he also attacks some of Orochi’s guards.
As the guards shoot at them, Sanji uses Busoshoku Haki to deflect the bullets away. This is the first time Sanji is clearly seen with the black skin hardening effect.
When Kyoshiro stops Zoro’s attack, the other Straw Hats talk about him.
As Nami’s group discusses what to do, they tell Shinobu and Kanjuro to leave the capital.
As Kid rages at Killer’s current state, Luffy yells at Queen and demands that they resume their sumo matches.
Right after Zoro and Sanji save Toko, the dialogue between them is extended.
The fight on the gallows is getting longer.
When Sanji tried to counterattack Drake’s surprise attack in the manga, he only stiffened his leg. In the anime, Sanji uses Diable Jambe.
In the anime, when Kamazo is revealed as Killer, his pre-timeskip appearance is shown, unlike the manga, where his post-timeskip appearance was shown.

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