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Read One Piece Manga Chapter 264



Pagaya, Conis and Aisa ride together on the waves of the Upper Yard forests in search of the Going Merry. After asking permission to address her by name, Pagaya asks Aisa if she really knows the ship’s location. Aisa confirms and impresses Conis with her abilities. However, Conis is more concerned about her well-being as Aisa is constantly shaking. She claims she has never been so scared because all the “voices” disappear. He quickens his pace and heads deeper into the forest.
Back on the Going Merry, Gan Fall has fully donned his armor and is preparing to leave the ship. Nami worries about being left alone, but Gan Fall explains that they have to go after Enel because the survival of the entire country is at stake now. Despite her protests, they quickly fly off with Pierre, and Nami decides to give first aid to Sanji and Usopp. He spots something quickly approaching the ship and it turns out to be Pagaya, Conis and Aisa. Aisa tries to break away to ground level but is stopped. He turns his frustration on Nami by warning her that he will attack her, and Nami enforces a similar threat with a shock dial from the Gan Fall gauntlet. While Conis is shocked by what happened to Sanji and Usopp, Pagaya explains to Nami that they must return to the white sea immediately. However, when he expresses his concern that they might be spotted, Nami scolds him for making so much noise with the wave. This makes Pagaya remember that he has a thing for Nami.
In another area of ​​the forest, Nico Robin is trapped in a battle with Commander Yama. Yama tries to knock Robin to the ground with the weight of his stomach, but Robin narrowly escapes. As Yama continues his pursuit, Robin notices that the stone slab behind her contains an ancient text. She uses “Veinte Fleur – Calendula” to try to slow Yama’s momentum, but the force of his punches keeps pushing her back until she finally falls. Yama asks her when she will stop protecting the dead city like this, and Robin scolds him for not caring about the legacy of their ancestors. This infuriates Yama even more as he tries to punch her into the ground, but she quickly jumps to safety as she makes a mental note that if the fight doesn’t move elsewhere, she will destroy the ruins.
Several more Shandia have arrived at Enel’s location and are unleashing a flurry of attacks on him. He is completely unaffected, even yawning in his boredom at their attempts. Kamakiri attempts to impale him directly through the skull, but Enel is unhurt again as the spear is seen coming out the other side of his head with a small amount of electrical discharge. He mockingly apologizes for falling asleep, eventually leading Kamakiri to ask if there really isn’t a way to defeat him. Enel replies that he is “Thunder” himself and explains that thunder was something humans could never truly understand as he slowly begins electrocuting Kamakiri. He further states that people have always defined terrible phenomena that they are unable to understand as “God”. Kamakiri pulls out a spear and forms it into a blade, attempting to slash Enel. He succeeds, but the halved body parts just start turning into lightning itself. Enel finally has enough and tells Kamakiri that his five minutes are up. The latter tries to escape to warn Wyper that his rejection dial will be useless, but Enel transforms his body into electricity again and is in front of Kamakiri within seconds. Kamakiri screams as loud as he can to get Wyper to run away before Enel injects him with one million volts of electricity. An entire section of the forest is lit up by a discharge of so much electricity, and Kamakiri is instantly burned to a crisp. An unintended side effect is that Enel’s electrical discharge goes through the river cloud of the forest, incapacitating at least 20 Enforcer’s of God’s Army. Enel simply shrugs it off and decides to pursue the others.
After two hours of the survival game, a total of fifty-six contestants were eliminated. There are still 13 members of God’s army, seven Shandia warriors, and five Straw Hats left, leaving 25 survivors in the game.

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