Read One Piece Manga Chapter 420

style=”text-align: left;”> Summary:

Franky tries all the keys everyone fought for and got from the CP9 members until he finds the one that unlocks Robin’s handcuffs to the shock of Spandam. Spandam can’t believe that the straw pirates defeated all the CP9 members in the Tower of Justice, claiming that they must have stolen them and run away. They tell Robin via Den Den Mushi to thank them later and do whatever she wants in the meantime. Her first act is to summon weapons on Spandam and proceed to beat him unconscious.
Franky orders the others to join him. Just then a loud explosion from the Gate of Justice catches the group’s attention, the fence around the island is now breached and the sound is a signal that Buster Call is coming and the bombardment has already begun. A huge explosion hits the tower where Sogeking was, Paulie and the others with him hear it and start to worry. The World Government operatives and Marines still remaining in the Enies Lobby realize they must get out now. Sanji calls out to Sogeking, Sogeking gets up and reports that he is fine. With him, Spandam orders the marines to capture Franky and Robin now.
In the underground tunnel, Nami, Kokoro and Chimney rush through the tunnel to escape the bombing above when vibrations hit the tunnel. Meanwhile, over at the Bridge of Hesitation, Luffy and Rob Lucci continue to fight. Rob Lucci finally figures out how Luffy’s Gear Second works. Rob Lucci talks about the earlier explosion being a test and that the actual bombing will begin on the island. He taunts Luffy, saying that his crew and everyone else will be destroyed and anyone in the underground tunnel will drown.
Back on the bridge, Spandam tells the marines to stop messing around and reminds them that ships are coming. But it is too late, one of them reports that they can already see ships; Buster Call has arrived.

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