Read One Piece Manga Chapter 602


The chapter opens with Luffy saying goodbye to Rayleigh and thanking him once more as an off-screen voice shouts “Capture Straw Hat!” During Luffy’s training, there is a brief flashback of the two cases, Rayleigh then tells Luffy to head for the top. Luffy, Zoro and Sanji leave just as the marines arrive. Rayleigh draws his sword and asks the marines to respect his student’s departure. He then draws a line in the dirt with the blade of the sword, saying that it would be wrong to cross the line. Elsewhere, while collecting Sanji’s groceries, the Monster Trio are surrounded by more marines. Suddenly a Negative Hollow appears. Then Perona appears, seemingly angry at the ruckus they’ve caused, and asks what else they’re doing there and why they haven’t left yet. Marines behind her suffer the effects of her Negative Hollow. Sanji (and obviously Zoro) recognize her, while Luffy doesn’t. Perona then chides Zoro for sounding ungrateful, reminding him that if it wasn’t for her, Zoro wouldn’t have made it to the archipelago. He then tells them to hurry as the naval vessels were right by the island.
Meanwhile, on the Thousand Sunny, the crew members who have already arrived are happy to see each other again. Brook asks Nami for the first time in two years if he would like to see her panties. Before he could finish his question, Nami immediately kicked him in the head and sent him into the wall. Nami then states that no one has matured in the two years they’ve been separated. Chopper went to find the others. Then Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Chopper arrived on one of the giant birds from the Kingdom of Turin. Everyone is overjoyed to see the last three crew members. When Sanji sees Nami and Robin for the first time in two years, he develops a nosebleed so massive that the pressure of the gushing blood seemingly knocks him off his bird. Once on the ship, Usopp tells Chopper to stop Sanji’s bleeding. Luffy can’t help but wonder about Franky’s new modifications. Nami tries to snap him out of this trance, saying they have bigger problems.
Suddenly, the Thousand Sunny is bombarded by cannon fire. The sea ship was already within range of the straw pirates. The second round of cannonballs stops Bo Hancock’s Slave Arrows. The Kuja Pirate ship intercepts the naval ship and stops their attack on the pirates. Robin identifies the ship as belonging to Kujo. Usopp is shocked by Boa Hancock’s presence and comments on her beauty. Sanji momentarily “turns to stone” at the sight of her, and Brook is mesmerized by her appearance. Usopp wonders why the Shichibukai would be on the archipelago before Luffy reveals that he knows her, much to their surprise. Hancock winks at Luffy. Brook sees this and falls down in shock. Nami asks Luffy how he knew her as Luffy explains that he met her on the Isle of Women. Usopp is surprised that such an island actually exists. Sanji yells at Luffy out of jealousy with tears in his eyes. Marguerite and Sweet Pea comment on the appearance of Luffy’s crew, saying that they looked fun and that there were types of people they had never seen before.
Franky then states that he will open the valves to allow air to flow from the bag under the ship. The skin of the ship begins to expand and a giant bubble forms around the ship, covering the deck with a bubble roof. Chopper then notices Usopp looking at the archipelago and asks if something is wrong. Usopp asks if all the marines have been defeated. Chopper says he didn’t think so. Usopp then comments that no one was chasing them. No one seemed bothered, some even called it luck. It soon becomes clear why no marines are following them.
The scene changes to the third Marine reserve platoon. They state that they cannot pursue the Straw Hats because their path is blocked by a giant insect under the command of Heracles. Heracles then wishes Usopp a safe journey. This happened to all the other Marine platoons. The gunpowder of the fourth platoon was destroyed by a sudden rain that was isolated only to their location. It turned out that the rain came from Weatheria, which was hovering right over the Sabaody Archipelago. Haredas and the other scientist were creating more diversions so that the crew could safely depart. Haredas then says that he will be lonely in Weatheria without Nami. The fifth platoon reported that the second platoon had gone completely negative and Perona had delayed it. They also stated that the pirates escaped on a giant bird, which confused the person speaking. Another platoon was held back at times, claiming that their hearts would be crushed; this affected Sanji as well. At one point he said that now was Sanji’s chance to escape.
At Sunny, Nami began to explain how the coated ships worked. They have the ability to reduce various pressures, meaning the ship cannot stay afloat. The airbag is the only thing keeping the boat afloat at this point. Both Luffy and Zoro said at the same time that they didn’t understand. Franky resurfaces and says he removed the air bag. Nami orders everyone to raise the sails while they dive. This confused Usopp who thought the ship would move on its own once underwater. Robin explains that underwater ocean currents act as the equivalent of wind, so the currents move the ship. Luffy asked Nami if they were ready to go, to which she said yes. Luffy then exclaims that he has a lot of things to tell them, but right now he wanted to thank them for putting up with his selfishness for the past two years. Usopp and Sanji sarcastically ask if he thought it was something new, saying that Luffy has always been like that. The Marine shouts to his commanding officer, Rear Admiral, that the Straw Hats are escaping underwater, saying this while only the very top of the mast is still visible. The rear admiral, like the rest of the marines, was held captive by the beauty of Boa Hancock. Luffy then shouts “PAY!” The chapter ends with the crew heading underwater towards Fish-Man Island.

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